
It's totally possible that Carol is getting played by a little kid. It would be quite the irony. He's already proven that he's stealthy as a mofo and he lies at the drop of a hat, "I was gonna paint my owls, but somebody broke them." He's snooping around in her house looking for "cookies". Wants to force conversation…

I hope I'm wrong about this, but it feels a little like the writer's are making Gabriel out to symbolize/represent modern Christianity. The whole, "Applying gospel only when it convieniently applies to your actions or beliefs." And also the idea of dumping your sins onto others. Not the sins themselves, but the guilt

Why is it that all the people who act rationally in this episode and do "the right thing" will probably end up being viewed as bad guys? Everyone in Rick's group is more or less on top of their game because of the time the spent on the road. While almost all of Alexandria acts like a worse-version of Eugene?

I don't know, Barry. I heard the cast and crew stay at the Snug Harbor Hotel to save money. Some of the rooms are heavily discounted due to past tragedies that took place in them Specifically room 24 I think.

lol, yeah. Makes you wonder where Sasha and Gabriel's characters are heading. Clearly the story says, "These people are about to die", but on the other hand, are they really gonna kill off another black person this season?

Yeah. No words. It was awesome and I have no idea why. What I really liked was this little story I came up with, or dots for connecting really.

hahahaha, that's what these shows are, man. Finding out "what's going on" is really secondary and sometimes besides the point. Watch movies I'm guessing. Less investment.

That's one helluva concluding sentence ya got there. Think I'm gonna watch les Revenants instead though. I'm a sucker for subtitles and nudity. Wait, is there nudity? It's Fr. there has to be.

Nah, I was just joking that hydrocodone (Vicodin) is a relatively mild opiod usually not sold for that much.

"Scoot over you silly woman." hahahahah wtf!? This show is gettin' good.

I'm ok with the cliche' language. I think most of it lends itself to the fact, and I'm glad Donna finally said it, that this show is 'film noir'. (I have a sneaky, cringe-y suspicion that "noir" could become a buzzword by show's end.) Anytime you eek a little from the script just repeat the line as Humphrey Bogart or

Idk, I'm ok with the show being judged on it's own. But it's difficult to gauge what a "newbie" would or wouldn't enjoy. In that sense, trying to imagine what it would be like, probably promotes lesser grades then it actually deserves.
If you think about it, this show kinda started messy. With many parts/characters

Just toss 'em off the balcony, bro. Talk to the chief, and cool down.

Just let it out. I did it last week. It felt great, lol.

Mike refused the pills because they were outrageously priced… :)



I wouldn't be against Alexandria being a kind of try-out for another civilization/community. They're in D.C for God's sake. Where's the more high-level officials? Department of H.U.D people? DOD? People who know how this stuff works. Like if Alexandria was the minor leagues and they call people/families up to the bigs

Loved seeing Austin Nichols (Spencer) from David Milch's "John From Cincinnati". Easily one of the most underrated shows ever. He's no slouch actor, wouldn't be surprised if he sticks around. ("Rick Grimes needs to get back in the game.")

Yeah. Is a flashback episode a probability in these last 3? All the Alexandria people drop lines from time to time about 'ish" that went down. Maybe flashing back to a brutal fight would help viewers out if that's the case.