
there's worse things to watch. plus you're right, Lynda Carter is perfection

we could all use more slapping of Andrew Lincoln

weirdly, she even looked like him when she did the voice

I really like your avatar

I would totally go to a rehab called Hotel California. Particularly if I didnt actually want to get clean

Jesus H Christ this is only an hour away from me. I feel such shame


when I was a kid my uncle smoked a pipe and it smelled great. He had one of those things, I dont even know what to call it, but it was round and wooden and could hold a bunch of pipes and then had a jar in the middle to hold the tobacco

I havent thought about clove cigarettes in a long time, but now I miss them. I hate all other cigar/cigarette/vaping smells, but cloves were amazing

"I don't want to be a pie !"

I loved Journeyman. still miss it

I saw it in the theater as a kid and really liked it. It's gonna be hard to top David Warner as Jack the Ripper

well this is depressing

and now i'm craving an enchirito

this was one of the songs at my wedding

i yell that at every baseball game

I love the olympics too. always look forward to it. I dont actually like Costas, but he's an institution and his voice is part of the whole experience for me. But i enjoyed the new guy at the Rio olympics so i'm sure i'll get used to him. i hope they keep mary whats her name (Corrillo?) as well, her stuff can be


oh my god, it's the other person who actually liked cavemen. I knew I couldnt be the only one

WHAT?!? It's the best! this will never work out