
How many years ago did she do that?

You can probably add Bob's Burgers to that list. Not that I totally disagree. I think it's the best animated show on Fox right now. But I don't recall seeing the show get lower than a C/C+ (but I might have given this most recent one a C-/D).

I don't think I was lucky. Not in the slightest.

No shitty multi-media artist is going to take over the world.

Ok. I thought he had said he was an "actor, dancer, singer, blah blah blah", but I couldn't fully remember.

I know the feeling… I have an ex who looked a little like Allison Williams and acted a lot like Marnie. They even have the same vocal patterns.

I guess you have not seen the gloriousness that is Randy Constan…

Elijah made one really shitty comment, but otherwise has been supportive of Hannah for years, even when she was a really shitty person. Jessa, on the other hand, has been a shitty person to Hannah, and to pretty much everybody else, for years. I don't see the differences in Hannah's stances towards Elijah and Jessa as

I'm hoping the show ends leaving it unresolved. I really don't want to see a miscarriage storyline (the abortion storyline without guts), and I don't want to see some "we're all happy with this baby" bullshit resolution, where they all reconcile because of a baby. Even an abortion resolution doesn't seem fulfilling at

I skipped over the performance. I figured no good could come out of it… other than the subsequent personal property damage.
Also, it's fun to see that Marnie can't even tell when someone is clearly high in front of her. It's like she's become an ad slogan… "Marnie: now more self-absorbed than ever!"

Fair enough. But it seemed off that Elijah doesn't even mention what brought him the New York in the first place during his "OMG, I can't believe this is happening" rambling…

Didn't Elijah move to NYC to become an actor? How did it seem to end up coming out of the blue that he may have talent at it?

Thanks to the subtitle of this article, I found myself humming that godawful Great White song while reading this…

"Does Luke Skywalker have to Force Choke a bitch?"

Yeah, and it's a shame, since I thought Marnie had showed some growth in "The Panic at Central Park" episode. Now, she seems to be even more insufferable than ever.
As for Adam, I have no idea what brought this about.
I'm almost thinking we're supposed to see all of these characters through Hannah's eyes. When she was

In all fairness, I was hate-watching this show until midway through last year.

To me, he's still a creep. And a manipulative one at that. And while I can see that Lena may not want to totally bring her life experiences into Hannah, this episode did start to play out that way, since it brings up internet articles by others who do not have all sides of the story but are still condemning the

Best this season? Sure. But "Panic in Central Park" is the best of this series so far for me.

I see where you're coming from. But to me it just felt a little flat. There was a chance in this to not go for the "he's really a creep after all" angle, and let it show there actually are grey areas. Instead, we get vindication for Hannah in her no grey areas viewpoint.Considering the amount of flak Lena Dunham

I was thinking the same thing. I would have really liked it if this episode had dovetailed into "One Man's Trash", since in some ways it is the same type of relationship: young ingenue and an older successful man. Had Chuck asked Hannah if she was in a similar situation before and she had brought up her weekend with