that and with the same teams making it deep (AFC especially) it's beginning to feel like the MLB of the 90s. Frankly I am bored with the playoffs for that reason alone let alone the above mentioned reasons.
that and with the same teams making it deep (AFC especially) it's beginning to feel like the MLB of the 90s. Frankly I am bored with the playoffs for that reason alone let alone the above mentioned reasons.
Too bad the NFL is becoming as scripted as a sitcom. So many convenient flags or missed calls to favor particular teams or players. Basically the WWE now.
Fun episode with a promising open for the season and an apt segue to reunite Chip wit the family. I'm just glad the straight man/ bisexual woman remained a gag of misinterpretation and did not turn into a social political commentary like so many other scripts would have fallen victim to.
For me the water park as been the best, then this one and then the season premiere.
And his God sits on a throne ignoring everyone's prayers all day.
Please Sunny. Don't ever leave us.
They nailed the terrible sitcom with the over used laugh track and audience applause.
You actually read the reviews? Why?
Mick's simple response to the kids' past birthday celebrations was apt. I hope this show goes down the line of all assets being frozen, them having to move to a smaller apartment, wear non designer clothes etc. and get a taste. But stick with that premise for more than an episode without some lame bailout angle coming…
Sabrina not using birth control seems pretty plausible. She is a privileged teen who's world vision is so myopic that she worries more about being rebellious to be cool and thinks she knows everything about the world and how it works. Also she has been pampered her whole life without any restriction so she probably…
The scene were they are playing hockey in the street was the entire Blackhawks fanbase until they started winning again.
Feminist book store, about as useful as tits on a bull's ass
Should have been cancelled before the first season ended.
Nah,she'll crank out a few kids first and then OD on an 8 ball.
Some of you mentioned that I might’ve been too harsh on the pilot. But
of course! There are two ways to look at pilots: be lenient, or be harsh
I would wager a lot of people were afraid of being called a racist if they didn't give last week a glowing review.
The Goode Family, a show about self centered vegan hippies motivated by what others think of them, only adopted a kid from Africa because he was supposed to be black and they would be progressive. Yeah what can go wrong with that?
AGREE! This is the one they should ave led off with.
Much better rebound from the yawner last week. This is what Sunny is and needs to continue being. Episode easily an A all around I was laughing at all three story lines.
So pumped
Show was decent but honestly got bored at the end of season two. Maybe someday I'll check it out and go further.