
Took me a while but I remembered to read these.

A couple days later…

MUST SEE TV, 3 April 1986
(Week 28; ratings ranking out of 66 programs)

It's new. If it's a repeat, I don't list it — except Carson, Merv, and Cavett.

Late Night Roll Call
Jimmy Fallon: truth Anthony Anderson, fresh Terry Gross, and Kesha
Stephen Colbert: Millie Bobby Brown, Jim Jefferies*, and Zeshan B
Jimmy Kimmel: John Lithgow, goon Jay Baruchel, and Diana Krall
Seth Meyers: talent Howie Mandel, Sen. Tammy Duckworth, and Aaron Schatz (8G Band guest: Venzella Joy)

Louie will return for a series finale, which ends with him waking up next to Pamela Adlon, but she's Kim. She tells him no more Hungarian goulash before bed.

I read this, and it sounds like a two-part Movie of the Week, not an ongoing TV series.

Every since I wrote that sentence, my mind is running wild with what that prestige political drama might look like. Though it might have been somewhat neutered politically, looking at NBC's drama slate. But HSB's take on politics was really dark. All politicians are puppets; others are there in the shadows pulling all

MUST SEE TV, 27 March 1986
(Week 27; ratings ranking out of 65 programs)

Absent but Noteworthy
Swedish Dicks series premiere on Pop
Blood Drive! I’m Sorry! Younger! The Sinner!

[awaits comment from Elizabeth Warren]

ENTERTAINMENT NEWS: First quarter, 1986

We need The Cindy Episodes.

MUST SEE TV, 20 March 1986
(Ratings ranking out of 65 programs)

"exasperating, infuriating, and utterly hilarious"
"laugh-out-loud funny portrayal of bitter and cynical New Yorkers"
“In a perfect world, this series would be dominating the comedy writing Emmys right alongside Veep…"

I didn't keep careful track of pilot movies until the 1973-74 season, so thanks for doing a bit of research for me.

No Must See TV tonight. I wanted to see what happened in Westeros instead of write. Plus, I want to spend a little time searching for any information about All Is Forgiven.

What Else Is On Tonight
We Bare Bears is back this week on Cartoon Network!
So You Think You Can Dance is down to the Top 10

I just has roots of one. In the middle of the episode, six minutes are spent on Dr. Morgan and his daughter's problem. It's never mentioned again in the remaining seven minutes. Not even a final moment or something reminding us… except (maybe?) Theo and Cockroach's really cheesy rap about the need to succeed in life

This episode reminded me a lot of Cheers' "Dark Imaginings." A man unwilling to admit he's getting older until his health forces him to confront it. Also similar since a younger man peaks the interest of the date more than the actual date (Woody in Cheers' case). I also believe Maurice would refuse to accept losing