
"Smallpox, the Trail of Tears. I saw Dances with Wolves."

Since the WOT reboot, any chance the Wild card could be added? I'm curious about the network selection since it seems to rarely highlights regularly scheduled programs.

My original account is still banned from the site, so let’s Must See TV here.

Isn't The Celebrity Apprentice just an alternative title to The Apprentice on occasional seasons? They aren't two separate TV shows, like the clue wanted. And note: Arnold’s was called The New Celebrity Apprentice, not The Celebrity Apprentice.

Late Night Roll Call
Watch What Happens Live: Kim Kardashian West
Johnny Carson: David Steinberg, Mary Frann, and Emmanuel Lewis (5 May 1983)

I'm watching Wynonna largely on the frequent chatter of Evil Lincoln and others. It's a fun show and certainly better than I expected. It's not outstanding, but I love its grasp of humor within its setting.

#3 "Fill your hand, you son of a bitch!"

No Must See TV today. I’ve been bingeing Wynonna Earp and 12 Monkeys lately. They are more fun than writing. So double post on Sunday.

"A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government."

For a couple weeks I was receiving the WOT email/newsletter again — I didn’t (re)sign up for it. But given that the 2017-18 season is over, I think it has be one of the most useless emails you could receive. Summer is here and with little to cover, this feature tells the casual TV viewer nothing.

My main takeaway, I enjoy Curtis Holt, but the Tattoo imitation was pretty lousy. Sounded more like Gollum than the Villechaize character.

I quick updated the post because of formatting. It was immediately "detected as spam" — as was Roll Call. This is the first night since my ban that I could use my home WiFi. It's still quite touchy, I guess.

"It’s like an Eagles concert down there. Nothing but whites."

"There's a document in here that looks to be fan fiction for the show Madame Secretary."
"Oh Sarge, I didn’t know you were a fan of the Madam."
"The show leaves Terry wanting more! I’m just filling in the gaps."

Benson and Co. also wrap up the season with a two-part finale. The Trump inspired episode, "Unstoppable," remains unaired. Also…

Absent, but Noteworthy
Food — Delicious Science on PBS is surely going to make my list of favorite programs of 2017. It’s a little Alton Brown but about specific foods instead of cooking. The first episode concentrated on the brain and its chemistry with food — chocolate, alcohol, peppers, coffee. Tonight’s episode is

I'd like The Flash to take some time off and the show return in the fall as two half-hours: single-camera comedy S.T.A.R. Labs and dramedy Frost.

Hey, let's not forget the PBS dog who knew great literature. He was the best.

I took a placeholder post and updated it with Thursday commentary and was immediately flagged. In the morning, I got the message I was banned.