"Austin mayor Steve Adler"
"Austin mayor Steve Adler"
Not all that comparable, and it's because it's insincere and in bad faith. This will not be a hard to find movie.
I assume that's what he calls his favourite private jet.
Pour one out for covfefe.
No need to carp on about it.
>But when did Bill Nighy turn into my lesbian Aunt Gladys' "special friend"?
Sexist or not, it's nice.
I wouldn't see a clown who identified as a clown.
I took my dog for a walk earlier. We met some other dogs. They barked at each other in an excited 'you're a dog! Like me! I'm a dog!', 'I'm also a dog!', 'weeey for us dogs!' kind of way and then had a good sniff of each other.
Well, that's uncanny. Depending on how you sort comments, the one above/below you, from Green Bubs, both predicted such a post and noted what would be wrong with it.
take it further - why isn't every single Muslim constantly plotting and carrying out terrorist attacks? Why aren't they all out murdering and raping and enslaving right now?
On second thoughts, let's not go to Camelot. It is a silly place.
Can't believe Morrissey didn't mention that these days, if you say you're English, you'll be arrested and thrown in jail:
Saturday evening in the early 90s. A Moore Bond film on ITV and some pick 'n' mix from Woolworths. The simple pleasures of an 11 year old.
Next time, try it like this:
It is literally what he would have wanted.
Man, Whovian is gonna be right fucked off at that.
I'm in the UK. 9/11 happened on 11/9, and Trump was elected 9/11. Day/Month/Year, people. the units get bigger in a sensible fashion, and it means I won't have to have the 'no, that's not the 5th of July, it's the 7th of May' internal monologue when a date pops up on screen.