Who's Roy?
Who's Roy?
And badly, too.
Everything about her relationship with Ray grates on me; it starts because he stalks her financially, technologically and physically until she'll go out with him, he then seduces her with an expensive diamond necklace, and then every chance they get the writers have him talking about buying her something in exchange…
Nicely put!
I'm just going to decide that this is what happened.
Thank you! I feel like I'm the only one who remembers just how fucking creepy he was at the start of this season. . .
Let's hope it only lasts an episode or two at most before the inevitable final battle finale, at any rate.
I caught the Rick Flagg thing, or decided that's what it was because I liked the idea of it at any rate; glad I wasn't the only one! What was the Hydra reference?
"We need Merlyn to help too, he's our only possible hope!"
There is nothing in your statement I don't agree with.
She's reminding me more and more of a sarcastic teenager; my sister's twenty, and Felicity's reminding me of her more and more. Especially that snarky aside about Oliver wishing that Ray would die.
"I'm leaving Team Arrow"
Huh. . . .he totally did, didn't he? Douchebag Ollie strikes again!
I. . .am perfectly fine with that. I also loved his line about the internet going too far after finding a bunch of people's social security numbers!
Sounds like something from The Matrix. . .
That was my favourite part too; the complete lack of sound made it even better!