
I remember a time around the middle of season 2 when they managed it well, and there was lots of discussion over at Io9 about how well they were doing; their writing of women seems to have fallen apart since then, sadly. . .

Agreed completely, sadly: it's making me seriously dislike the main character, which given that this isn't Breaking Bad is a pretty bad route for them to start going down.

I know, right? And if I'm remembering it right, didn't he give a big speech on top of a car about how he'd "never leave them again"? Classic douchebag Ollie!

I'll do it for you then, shall I?

Anyone else think she was a bit TOO cold about that, given he'd just gone off to watch she assumed was his death?

I'd be perfectly fine with that!

"I'm also perfectly fine with my bodyguard lighting people up all the time."

Exactly: it always struck me that when he broke Diggle out of that Russian prison, he blew up at least a dozen guards and never showed any remorse for it.

Me too, although I still think he was shortchanged by not having a scene of him making a decision one way or the other on going with them to Nanda Parbat.

Agreed completely: it's getting harder and harder to keep defending it, when it's making smaller and smaller amounts of sense. I know the logistical reasons etc. for it too, but it really does strain things that somebody wouldn't call Barry to help now and again, especially with something like this.

Hijinks, baby! We can also have Nyssa be used for the classic "Barry goes on two dates at the same time" trope, because EVERYONE loves that, right?

I agree: Oliver is getting dangerously close to the stage where you don't even want to root for him anymore, because all that will do is fuel his ridiculous arrogance that has to border on a psychological disorder at this point. I'm perfectly happy watching Team Arrow without Arrow: in fact, I suspect I might actually

Agreed, 100%: it's definitely bordering on sheer ridiculousness right now, and I've loved this show from the start so I want it to get better, starting with letting Oliver make some decisions that aren't completely batshit insane. When he confessed to Diggle that he's basically lead him on a suicide mission into the

I am perfectly fine with this. Roy and Cisco can have their own little side-adventure too, with Joe getting jealous on the sidelines.

True dat. What should the Flash crossover episode entail, do you think?

His "no killing rule" is ridiculous, and so against what he actually does as to border on sheer delusion: there is literally no reason he couldn't have used tranq arrows on all those assassins, and there was certainly no reason to BURN ONE OF THEM ALIVE without an ounce of hesitation. Also, he's perfectly fine with

To be fair though, Sara took the proper piss with Ras' Netflix account. The Grey is not worth four stars!

Ooooh no, I've got it! Waller! She does nothing but stern and/or overkill, she'd be perfect! Also sets up a lot of episodes where our dynamic duo have to prevent their insane boss from nuking another city and/or blowing up planes, always managing it in the nick of time and in hilarious ways!

This thread is making up for this episode, as far as I'm concerned!

Can Roy be a parkour-filpping wisecracking sidekick to this dynamite comedic duo??