
i'm really enjoying this season and i dont hate anyone!
that last fight with sara was EVERYTHING.

no one's left anymore,connor is like everything,he cant be dead.


such a beautiful beautiful episode.

i'm really worried for connor,i bet they are gonna wait till the last episode to reveal that dad man.

it was such a fun premier how it got c???????

i love eve and Annalise too,i always said that Annalise always looks genuinely happy whenever she is with eve.

i thought he killed him so bonnie would come to that city and frank could meet her.thats why i thought he did that,and because bonnie is his oldest friend.

i love reading your recap this season.thank you

i'm ok with Asher and nate being dead,but not the other kids.
how can they fix coliver?it just feels like they are never going to get back together.and it would have been ok if oliver wasnt working there,but with him in the mix i cant see connor with someone else.
i hope connor can at least find a few guys o have sex

lovely episode and all the sisters and mothers looked GREAT,however,i cant believe Roxy is still in this competition!
i LOVE and ADORE alaska but wow that meltdown was so hard to watch!i was saying before that she looks hot like a serial killer but after that tantrum i changed my view!

i had no idea what was gonna happen and i was captivated by every minutes of this episode.

and thanks for your recap it was really great.

loved this episode.i think this case was one of the most heartbreaking thing that they did on this show,and the emotions felt real and raw.
i cant never hate oliver,and the reason i think oliver wants out is that he can sense something is not right but cant figure it out yet.

loved this episode and loved this whole season.

and i kinda love that all of these kids look a little tired all the freaking time.i like that they are not ok.

that break up scene was really sad,poor connor,the problem is that we i dont think connor would been in love with oliver like that if it wasnt for Sam's death.
so its kinda brutal to see oliver in love with connor while realizing that something is not right in their relationship.

at first i didn't want to watch this show cause it seemed like those horror movies that i hate,but then i watched all the episodes in one day!

i loved Richie since the first episode,i remember watching him talking to Patrick and i became sad because i thought he was just some random character there for patrick,and then he became one of the main character.
i know some people dont like him but for me he felt like a complete person,yes he has some issues but

i agree with you about same sex intimacy,we dont really see these kinds of relationship on tv,and it feels good to watch friends hugging and kissing like that.
it feels real.