
Bluster and sputterings. There are no other studies, that was it. That's why I keep mentioning that it hasn't been verified. You don't have to go back to verify methodology, I've already pointed out to you the obvious disqualifying factor that was admitted to in his posting - that these were not people who ever

Yes, typically the person who is the recipient of rudeness finds the source of that rudeness unpleasant. Are you truly arguing that you're not being hostile and uncivil? Are you really implying that I'm the first to point this very unflattering aspect of your personality out to you?

Ok. I understand now. You're just an extremely unpleasant person and apparently proud of it. Unfortunately, your pride coupled with your unpleasantness happens to equate to some rather obvious fallacies.

I googled appeal to authority. This is kind of what I'm talking about. When someone who is anonymous claims authority over a subject, their anonymity belies any claims to that authority. How can their statement of authority be evaluated when you don't even know who they are or by what methods their self proclaimed

ADDENDUM: I also find it interesting that you apparently take as gospel truth an article that has no identifiable author. Who is this person? What are their qualifications?

Look, obviously you don't experience it. But, you're also not paying attention. For instance, when I mentioned sample sizes as a problem with the study, I was talking about sample sizes of the population.

Most BluRAy Audio isn't 5.1 and those that are have a 2.0 option. However, I find that 5.1 is extraordinarily pleasing and that it adds a lot to the experience. Maybe having some sounds momentarily isolated in a wider space makes them easier to identify and to engage with?

You're just so mistaken. If I can identify the source, then there is a difference between the 2. If I can hear something on one recording that just isn't perceptible in its mp3 equivalent, then there is a difference.

I've found the Blu Ray Audios more enjoyable but maybe my SACD player is too cheap.

Thank you. I'll give it a shot. But I think you may have just cost me a LOT of money.

With all due respect, you don't know the piece of music and its sources. In Byrne's book, he mentioned that it was played on the exact same amp and speakers. On those other items, yes, perhaps not exactly the same, but if a seemingly soothing piece of music has been changed as to have a dramatically different impact

As much as I love high quality sound, I haven't started up with FLAC. Does it offer 5.1 releases as well? Is it as good as the Blu-Ray Audios? Is it worth the money?

Yes, "all available research" is mostly a discredited research paper or two, so it's not really a crock.

Blu Ray Audio's the way to go. Though it seems almost nobody is going that way.

When Patty talked to Iris, she made mention of them being practically brother and sister. I was waiting for Iris to correct her interpretation of the relationship, but she didn't, which in narrative terms sounds a lot like Iris is comfortable with Barry being described as her brother.

Honestly, you have to understand the tone of the time. In many ways it helps to explain the problems of today.

"What's in this drink" in the context of the times was a reference to the quality of the drink. It was - 'Wow, this is a great drink and I like the way it makes me feel. What's in it?" - because remember this was the golden age of mixology. There were new, tasty drink recipes being published in every one of the

That Harrison ford is just like Janice in accounting.

I can't say for certain, but I would think not in practical terms. Just like when you're reading a book, which is taking up the vast majority of your visual field, it still only takes a glance to look away. When you are looking at a laptop, it still only takes a glance to see the rest of the room. In a theater, you

I hope I'm not telling you how to live. I've still watched tons more movies on TV and bad TVs than I have in the theater. I guess I felt duty bound to point out a few differences in the experience.