
The only episode of Small Wonder I've ever seen was while sitting at a deserted restaurant in the port of Brindisi, sipping wine, eating spaghetti, while an Italian dubbed re-run played over the bar. That's a fine memory, so let's just keep it that way.

As disturbing as that must be, take a look at the ORU campus in Tulsa. Now, that's how you make a freaky impression.

I gotta say, no snark, I think a Bonanza reboot could really be cool.

Just last year I took my 2 daughters on an 8 hour drive to a Lady Gaga Concert purely because Hatsuni Miku, the Japanese hologram, was one of the opening acts. They have loved "her" for years and I foolishly had promised that if she ever came to America we would go. I had to make them stay for Lady Gaga because "one

Yes, I guess that is so. But Generation 1.5 sounds lame. (ha)

The Monkees were the first band I fell in love with, back in 1977 when I was 11. I saw their old show when my Dad was the first person I knew to get cable. The very next day I found a '45 of "The Girl I knew Somewhere" at a garage sale, and after that I couldn't get enough of them. I spent the summer calling all the

Hold up! This is nonsense. I don't think PenzeyMoog understands what objectivity is supposed to be.

I was having a touching, bonding read until I came across Caitlin PenzeyMoog saying that Jon was, "throwing the past-its-time idea of “objectivity” in the garbage where it belongs." And this is someone who is teaching journalism? Oh, dear God! Most of what Jon Stewart has been railing about for 16 years is the

That sounds about right to me.

But, it's the statement of "overwhelmingly likely" that I'm fighting. We just can't be that certain.

Yeah, that's a good point. This went in a very internet direction very fast.

I didn't say they were so intoxicated to not be able to give consent. You show an eager willingness to believe that I find troubling. As if people don't lie about their interactions with others, especially in public, especially regarding celebrities.

Maybe they will soon.

I never said I was much of a Cosby fan. I'm just not being condescending. I'm not attacking their motives. I just know how memory works, not just in these women, but in people. We can't know and so to pick sides is kind of an example of mob mentality right there (here).

Having had sex with Bill Cosby.

I don't view my opinion as condescending. People are people and they're really messed up. To condescend would be to think that I operate much differently than they do and I don't.

I'm not saying this is what happened, but it is more than a remote possibility. A woman engaged in sexual activity with mega icon Bill Cosby. Alcohol and drugs were involved. The intoxication of celebrity and everything left them confused as to the nature of their motivation. They feel used and tawdry afterwards.

No - a mob can be joined in by any community. A community (witness this one) can be joined by any ways of communication.

That isn't my understanding of it. Allegations of an abusive experience only followed an initial exposure of one incident.

I respectfully disagree.