
He definitely did and don't forget Jennifer Lewis who basically stole every scene she was in. What a lady!

That's a point I can respect.

Exactly my point!

I realize now lighting doesn't strike same place twice. BB was a great show and I was hoping Saul would do the same for me. Yeah, I'll drop out of watching it given that I don't see room for improvement.
Anyway, it's not like Saul was a complex character anyway to warrant curiosity.
Regards Chuck's condition, I've

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I'm meaning it as "sure, it's pleasant", but not "breathtaking". There's no way I'll try to argue with a die hard fan of the show so it's your opinion, I respect it. I myself don't see the hype. Bob Odenkirk is not as strong of an actor as Bryan Cranston for one thing. The storyline with Chuck is forced and farfetched

People are reading too deeply into a simple show. It's fine, I give you that but not all that great to be fawning over it. There are other much better shows out there that are not given the same platform.

This show wouldn't be getting all this attention if not for Breaking Bad.