
That narration was actually from the previous episode that had her narrating. I'm guessing it was only reused for the trailer.

I kinda think that band will be back. The guy who was choked out didn't die…we saw him breathing after the other guy took him out. Basically, I think he was only knocked out. Also, that guy saw Rick's face and we got a pretty good look at it too.

I think we saw the back of the house this time, not the front.

Lol..gotta suspend some disbelief. a lot of the complaints the show gets are little things, inconsistencies. they nitpick. thats what happens when something gets so big. if they were to watch other shows or movies the same way, they'd go crazy when spotting all the things that are wrong with the film/show. Example:

Hey, it happens lol

Lol. There are probably more than 2 people that read them. A lot more. It tends to be one of the best selling comic books every month.

Imo, as of now, it goes, from best to worst:

What? he wasn't unconscious when he was put on the bus. he even slammed the side of the bus in anger as maggie left him. Also, he has experience fighting off zombies and using weapons…he had a nice weapon with him when he woke up. The prison was as overrun with zombies when he was put on the bus either.

So he got knocked out/fainted? Pretty obvious considering how he's weak from his illness and fainted again at the end. Also, a shell could've taken out the path in front of him and knocked him out.

That's no big deal. It's pretty much assumed he didn't listen to Maggie and went back to look for her.

I forgot about the infinite ammo lol. But Carl and Rick in the barn as they set the barn on fire and all was good.

They did take him down for a bit but couldn't get a bite through the armor. Ever hear of adrenaline? And it's better than him getting cornered that way WITHOUT any armor on.

Well…kids can't just randomly fall off the face of the earth. There should be some hint of their existence lol. But if the theory of Lizzie being a counter-part of someone in the comics…then she won't be around long.

You seem to only reference True Detective as a reference to "good action," I need more than that before I take you seriously.

Yup, they are from the comic book.

What about every other action scene in the series' run? The farm sequence? Clearing the prison? Attack on Woodbury? The huge zombie herd in episode 3 of this season? The one where Hershel is taking care of the sick/ the fence comes down and rick and carl have a zombie shootout? The attack on the prison with the tank?

"It’s a deeply unsettling scene, and the closest I’ve come yet to breaking with the show completely; if Lizzy had smothered Judith to death, I think that would’ve finally ruined what little pleasure I take from the on-going suffering of this group of sweaty grumblers, and knowing that made the whole thing much harder