Voice of Reason

First Caroline, nice Patty Duke Show (R.I.P. Patty) reference. Second, as I am sure many people have pointed out (and I'm sure you were tired from binge-ing), there is a HUGE MCU reference. Scarfe talks about witnessing the incident and mentions that unless his sidearm is a magic hammer the cops are now irrelevant

I find it odd that female reviewers of this show invariably fail to recognize the OTHER video Romero was holding, A Fistful of Dollars, while the male reviewers will mention it. It feels like some weird gendered thing against Spaghetti Westerns. Come on, ladies. A Fistful of Dollars is connected to the Bates Motel

Maserati, dude. MaSerati.

Caroline. It is interesting that you have liked this episode the best since the "villian" is a woman and the episode was written and directed by women. Grrl power! I'm all about that; however, Frank Castle has been a total bad ass and this episode kinda lagged in its pacing for my taste. That's what makes the world go