
He was a good actor and while his Chekov is likable enough it's kind of shame that's what he's going to be most remembered for.

I thought it was pretty good, I was more disappointed in the green screen they used during Jon Snow's sequences. Like there's this iconic shot of him standing against charging cavalry and then the very next shot it's him badly composited into a video game cutscene of two armies charging each other.

Think I'll have to process this one more. My gut reaction was that this expertly captured the brutality and chaos and horror of pitched combat… and that it was a seriously weird choice.

For me "The Watchers on the Wall" is still the definitive "battle episode" of the series. I fervently hope this tops it.

If it's any consolation I haven't really watched any adult swim shows in like a decade (well Venture Bros is the exception that proves the rule). So I'm way ahead of you guys on that boycott or whatever.

It was hilarious watching the actual scene where the over-analyzed image came from. "Syrio" is just some random guy they run past and you even see a clear view of him before he becomes the infamous shadow.

So looks like all the Riverrun stuff was just to tie up a loose end that most people probably barely remembered. Was worth it for the Pod/Bronn reunion though. And yes it was tragic to see Jamie meet up with Brienne and be all "yea i'm still in love with my sister."

So if we were to give it a subtitle would it be Conjure Harder or Conjure With a Vengeance?

A prequel where Mater and Lightning McQueen have to convince an ambulance played by Michael J. Fox to let them film an unauthorized remake of of Doc Hollywood.

I don't want to be too spoilery on like, opening day, so I'll just say that if he's only meant as a plot device that provides a teaser for the villain of an inevitable sequel then I guess that's enough. But presumably we are supposed to care about what happens to him. I could be wrong though.. as the bulk of his

It's more of a limerick:

Yea review's pretty spot on. The plot's a downer, which is true to the lore of the first Warcraft game, but they don't even attempt to earn the emotional weight of the inevitable falls from grace / heroic sacrifices. The movie constantly reminds us that Medivh's THE GUARDIAN and that's really about all we get in terms

Well the narrative surrounding this one is shaping up to be Batman v Superman II.

The irony of 11 paragraphs complaining how Metroid Prime was ruined by having too many words in it.

Seemed like he was trying to stifle a laugh the entire film. He's basically Megan Fox's sidekick. He does get a couple decent action scenes but he definitely plays Casey Jones as more "quirky" than "badass."

I finally watched it's predecessor and it didn't cause my eyes to bleed as I had feared, so I figured I'd give this one an actual shot.

Was all set to rock out to the credits.. What's this? The extremely rare GoT cold open? And it's a bunch of hippies? Then I recognized the mountains in the background. And there he was, clearly owing his good health to eating every effing chicken in the room. Great to see the Hound back, hopefully he'll last longer

The boobs were pretty great in that. As I recall they even worked the line "you have perfect nipple placement" into the script.

No need to be coy. We all know you really want to call it Batman: The Dark Knight's League.

I'd think by then they'd just drop the pretense and have all the Autobots be from Chinese manufacturers.