They already adapted Year One and Dark Knight Returns and I'd consider them heads and shoulders above Killing Joke in terms of seminal Batman stories. For it's worth they generally do a good job with the animated features.
They already adapted Year One and Dark Knight Returns and I'd consider them heads and shoulders above Killing Joke in terms of seminal Batman stories. For it's worth they generally do a good job with the animated features.
Will Smith's contract clearly mandated the 'let's save the world' line.
I gotta admit that was a sexy trailer. That Jason Todd costume, Batman's beef with Superman caused by Snyder's disaster fetish, Wonder Woman rocking the sword and shield.. It's hard to imagine this all coming together into a cohesive plot but the spectacle should be off the charts.
'Hannibal' has me trained to assume that half of what's happening is either a dream sequence or 'artful interpretation'. So I appreciated the post-coitus re-robing confirming that Margot and Bloom were really a thing, I half expected Abigail to show up in the middle of it. Plus Katharine Isabelle is even hotter this…
According to the rumor I just started the villain will be Hush, with Affleck playing the post surgery version and Matt Damon playing the pre-surgery version. Kevin Smith cameos as Penguin.
Well she is 50. I'm still young enough that that sounds pretty elderly lol. In related news old people can be hot.
Funny the headline says one thing, but the lack of 'Venture Brothers' in the article says the opposite.
I'm sure the crowd in line outside the local multiplex would have been completely on board with you shouting 'Mr. Spock Dies!' at them as you came out. They wouldn't have called you an asshole or pelted you with a glass bottle or anything… bc back then we knew to just 'suck it up!'
Weird, Bobbi the Hottie from SHIELD was in GI Joe Retaliation too.. it was a much better movie than I expected it to be.
The fact that Disney isn't airing Young Indy reruns on one of their dozen cable channels is a crime!
There's this outdoor concert center over in Camden that seemed to change it's name every two years as it cycled through corporate masters. I've given up on staying current with the name.
As a rule I feel most every open world game suffers from bad pacing. Sandboxes are great for making Youtube videos, but a feature film? not so much. Sidequests are detached from the main story, the main story gets chopped up into vignettes, an over-reliance on filler like collectibles, and you spend almost as much…
Perhaps it was because I went into it disappointed I couldn't play on my platform of choice. Maybe I had set the hype bar too high. Maybe it was because I was at the mercy of my sibling's work schedule so I could borrow his PS4. Maybe there was too much Batmobile. I dunno what it was precisely, but when the credits…
If I recall Fuller's previous interviews correctly then the current season should more or less wrap up the original premise of the series being a prequel to the first Hannibal Lector novel.
There's was also a crappy Eddie Murphy movie where his body was a spaceship captained by an alien who was also played by Eddie Murphy.
The flashbacks and X-ray shots showing how various characters who were clearly killed off are able to narrowly (miraculously?) survive felt a bit cheap this week. I guess it was slightly better than episode 2 where they did all that and then ended with a 'Just kidding! She's really dead this time! Honest!'
The more news articles I read about the post-Stewart Daily Show, the more I assume it's going to be replaced by Futurama reruns in 8-10 months.
Maybe to The Goonies and The Shining. The rest I alternately said 'Hell no!' (I mean Strangelove without Peter Sellers?) or just rolled my eyes because the films have been around for less than 10 years…
You'd think 'dinosaur enthusiasts' of both genders would be more outraged that it's not even a velociraptor really:
I still remember the first time I saw the show. I had flipped to Showtime to watch Dexter and went to go do something else. Eventually I heard this old-timey song. The cleverness of the 'Little Boxes' title sequence is actually what got me to watch the show.