
No news post yet but Agent Carter got renewed alongside AoS! The Mockingbird spinoff is on hold though. I prefer Bobbi the Hottie to stay on the main show anyway,

Well if you are reading this months later… there's going to be a season 2!

I know you just strung together a bunch of words, but 'Iron Man Vs. Ant-Man’s Robot Butler: Dawn Of Eternity’s Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness' sounds like something the hipster crowd would definitely eat up.

I recall there was a comic that sort of continued the final 'season' (really it was just a couple of TV movies). I don't know if a proper conclusion ever made it past the planning stages. Once Tony Jay (the voice of MegaByte) passed away I largely gave up on a ReBoot continuation.

I think the real question is how much longer are they going to use the title 'Captain America' instead of 'Avengers'?

Loved the show as a kid. But video games are ubiquitous and there's an ever growing number 'watch me play video games' streamers.

Nah it was definitely her plan all along to start a war between the Inhumans and SHIELD. She got the Terrigen crystal from the scientists for that express purpose. In retrospect the little conversation she has with Cal prior to the meeting nearly tipped her hand to the audience.

They made a point of saying that the crystals Skye's mom grows are infused with the metal from the Diviners. Might be setting up the notion that a 'pure' crystal won't turn regular humans blue.

I'll lead off with the fact that I caught up on 'Veep' immediately before watching this, so I was kind of expecting Patton Oswalt to greet Coulson with a nut grab.

Well it was pretty obvious just from viewing the movie. I commented as much when AV's review of AoU dropped. Whedon was evidently not as involved with the plotting out of Phase 2 as we were led to believe following Avengers 1. Remember that story about Joss being flown in to help fix some scenes for Thor the Dark

Haven't watched in years yet I find this news re-assuring. I like having the option of catching a new episode of the Simpsons.

Welcome to another edition of Thunder Glass Ceiling!

$5 says she's killed in the opening attack so Bill Pullman can lead us to victory once more. Joss Whedon will preemptively call it out as '80s sexism.'

You might be right. My gut tells me that if their wedding even happens it won't last many episodes. Between Brienne and Pod, Stannis' army, and Theon skulking about as Reek, a showdown in Winterfell is coming!

I'll just be happy if JJ keeps the lens flare to a minimum.

While I'm impressed you actually survived this, dropping the premise when you got to the AoU entry is kind of a cop out. You could have at least kept the Stan Lee applause-o-meter.

Google Natalie Dormer. She's smirking in pretty much every photo ever taken of her. Cersei calling her that 'smirking whore from Highgarden' was pretty meta to be honest.

The show has really upped the ante on the 'quirky cold opening bits.' Don't really have much to say on this one. The case of the week was largely upstaged by the Stanley Cup and the stuff with Marcus. They fleshed out Bell quite a bit in the past two seasons and it's all been solid. If you had told me during season 1