Hey I'm pretty sure I still have a restraining order against you dad. So back the hell away. Shaming people with #firstworldproblems is such a mom thing to do btw.
Hey I'm pretty sure I still have a restraining order against you dad. So back the hell away. Shaming people with #firstworldproblems is such a mom thing to do btw.
Obviously I didn't continue reading anything on this page. My kneejerk reaction was that you decided to confirm she died. Sure it wasn't the case, but why invite the accusation? Especially considering readers have no control over what tiles are vomited onto the main page when we click on the site. "Bryan Fuller talks…
RIP Community
Just wanted to add my disapproval of spoilers in the headlines. I mean I guess it's 3 hours after the episode aired but I haven't gotten around to watching it. Kind of a gut punch considering the only reason I came over to AV Club was bc I'd heard Community got canceled.
lol I came here to post that! I mean you had to be delusional from hate for the show to think it wouldn't be renewed.. but I know there's people out there.
DMB gets a lot of shit.. still have yet to see anyone resist the urge to tap their feet to "Ants Marching" though.
Well the elephant in the room is that no way did Marvel pre-figure this thing out. The farthest they thought was "let's add a black guy to the cast and throw in more references to the movies."
The next episode is my favorite, but a lot of it has to do with this one. Easy Co. gets so beaten up after Winters was promoted.. you can't help but cheer when things finally turn around for them.
While it's a possibility that Peggy's his grandmother, pretty sure the notion that he's Gabe Jones' grandson comes from the fact that there's only one black guy on the team in Captain America: The First Avenger. In fact with an Agent Carter TV show in the works I doubt Marvel would commit to "Peggy ends up with Gabe"…
So for some reason I had always thought "The Twist" was I guess some kind of combination of what I now know are two individual songs.
The only suitable reaction to two hours of Jack Bauer vs Sarah from "Chuck" while Catelyn Stark schemes to start World War III is:
Coke's got a bitter aftertaste, that's why Pepsi usually wins the single sip test. But Coke practically invented brand loyalty, heck south of Maryland if you ask for a "soda" they will look at you funny until you say "I meant Coke."
The only thing I wish they had brought over from this film was Sam Elliot as General Ross. Rarely is a comic book character cast so perfectly.
Well I like the side characters too (else I wouldn't care they were missing). But the realities of it being a TV show has led to them just up and disappearing due to the actors leaving or the writers just abandoning the initial premise of the show.
I guess we needed a "Don has a hissy fit" episode before we could really hit the redemption arc. The ending made me feel like we were finally getting somewhere… but a lot of that was completely deflated by the "only 3 episodes left this year" in the preview. WTF is wrong with just having a full final season AMC?
If that's the case Sean Bean and Michelle Fairley should be complaining to their agents.
Jamie was pretty clearly shown in the background during Tommen's coronation. The others were likely there as well.
The Knave's coming over next season? He was easily the most entertaining aspect of the spin off. It's been over a year since they've done anything meaningful with the Storybrooke setting and the recurring characters barely show up for group shots anymore… so an anthology style romp through various fairy tale lands…
A bit harsh. The Witch storyline kind of fizzled out, but I'm looking forward to alternate timeline hijinx next week. I'd go up a letter just for successfully incorporating Dorothy melting the Witch,
That robot chart from a while back seemed more legit. And since most of us are just calling out our missing favorites where's King Ghidorah?