
The show through Season 5 is timeless. It's amazing how much the writing quality dips beginning in Season 6, though. Those episodes were (mostly) watchable thanks to the incredible ensemble cast, but the writing was usually pretty weak and relied more on gags than anything else.

The Office at its peak (seasons 2 and 3 and much of 4 and 5) might be the greatest American sitcom of all-time. And yes, I know it's a remake of a great British sitcom.

But did they have a lip sync battle?

As long as he can get views online and his average audience age is lower than the 60 Letterman was at, CBS will be fine.

I can't help but think that Colbert's show will evolve over its entire 10/15-ish year run as Colbert matures, his tastes evolve and the show finds its voice. But I feel like I'll still be seeing Fallon lip sync and play karaoke and Catchphrase with inane celebrities for another 25 years. Lord help us.

I liked it. The hat bit was goofy and was very hit-or-miss (and reminded me a bit too much of In the Year 2000 on Conan's old show), but the Colbert Report-esque segment and the monologue that just riffed on how they almost didn't get on the air worked. The ScarJo and Musk interviews were OK, if not great. Kendrick

The only thing Colbert has tweeted since yesterday's show was praise for Lamar, though.

Same. That's always turned me off from his show. (Although I admittedly liked him better during his first few years on Late Night. He was the only guy doing the whole "OMG CELEBRITIES ARE SO COOL" schtick and the games he'd play with them were generally weirder and funnier — Wheel of Carpet Samples comes to mind —

There's a universe where Colbert is hosting The Late Show and Conan is hosting The Tonight Show and late night comedy isn't dead.

I think what I liked most about this premiere was how confident it was. Colbert and co. know what sort of tone they want this show to have. They might not have the bits all down yet (will they keep the monologue? I think not.), but they certainly know that this incarnation of the Late Show should be just as weird and

Same. I know it was reported a couple times that Colbert didn't do a standing monologue in a couple of his test shows. It's possible they were just testing it out and they decided they liked the traditional monologue, but I'm thinking the vast majority of the show will be from the desk

I figure it was Colbert just paying homage to Stewart and giving him a slice of the cake. I doubt Stewart will do anything with the show in terms of production or writing or anything, save for the occasional guest appearance.

Hodgman is still around. He never left, it was just sort of a joke. He's said on Twitter he's still on and was in a new Daily Show promo promoting Trevor Noah in which he offers Noah his mustache.

How is that any different from the type of guests Colbert would have on his old show?

The promos are the only things that have made me slightly nervous about his show. Everything else has me incredibly excited, though, so I'm not too worried.

He certainly still has the chops, but I doubt he'll be too tough on Bush in his first episode. I'm someone who doesn't think Colbert will be dumbing down his show at all (the eclectic guests for his first week back me up, I think, as do the videos he's posted and interviews he's had). But Colbert will be under

I'd pay money to see Stewart moderate a Trump vs. Hillary debate. Trump for obvious reasons, but it's clear that Stewart isn't much of a fan of Hillary's. He wasn't afraid to go after her over the last couple of years.

Well, if it makes you better, Colbert said yesterday that he's only planning on having on people that he finds interesting, whether they're actors, politicians, writers, athletes, intellectuals, scientists, whatever. I'm sure CBS will require Colbert to have their stars on to plug whatever mediocre show they want to

Agreed to an extent, but what do you expect? Doris Kearns Goodwin isn't going to be the lead guest on the debut of a network talk show.

Why does having Clooney as a guest indicate the show won't be smart or funny? You know Colbert had celebrities on The Colbert Report, too, right?