
Night Flight doesn't "foreshadow" it at all, because Night Flight had actual programmers (read: editors).

A total waste of time.

The party line where you don't air 20-year-old allegations that never had credibility?

It's not worth getting into it because you really can't defend your position.


Prince "courted" a number of underage girls, including his first wife.

She did.

Spoken like a Millennial who already sounds like a Boomer.

Evidently not.

It's a jay-z-realized-blackness-is-trending album.

It's confusing enough that you described her as "writer Zelda Fitzgerald". Really?

In other words, both sides will be hyping this thing as a cultural benchmark, and how good it actually is will be irrelevant.

That's because he's an irrelevant twit.

I think he was horribly miscast, but the "overreaching" should be put on the back of the writer/director.

The BBC must be seeing dark days then.

John Barrymore was doing that toward the end. Maybe it's not a choice.

It was ham acting of the first order, and evidently no one noticed.

Hopkins was a bigger star. That's the other determinant.

To not apply "bullshit" to something that most certainly is bullshit means we'll have to change the definition of bullshit.

So they have a respectable excuse for it.