Visual Massage

Do it.

I would swap seasons 2 and 3 but you nailed that order to the damn wall!

Oh I agree with that statement completely. As soon as the words left David Sedaris' mouth I started to change my mind about the obvious winner.

Bob is one savvy savvy queen. That "purse first" shtick was a brilliant move right out of the gate. As Thorgy Thor said, "witty catch phrase, knowwhatimean?" Bob played this game like a damn fiddle. She actually did figure out the RPDR matrix (sorry Sasha Belle).

I remember thinking, "how the F are they gonna take that off to crown Bob?"

I don't think one has to win on this show to "change the course of drag" or even have a successful career. Kim Chi got the exposure, now it's up to her to make waves/money/etc.

I believe the question was about Gay For Play, not the Nu-Untucked (which should still be on Logo right after Drag Race instead of Gay For Play)

Yes, it was very annoying. Luckily Cynthia Lee herself was in the house so that made up for it…

Bob's reaction in NYC was pretty touching and genuine.

Aren't the Pit Crew basically objectified, sexualized eye candy anyway? I thought the joke was pretty appropriate given that. Man, people are over sensitive…. sex-shaming?

I went to the live viewing in NYC and right as Katya started to crawl out from under the half-up screen, the DirectTV feed went out and didn't come back until the next commercial break… a riot nearly ensued from a thousand Katya fans denied their chance to see her on screen again…

As soon as Kim Chi said she gave the $3000 from episode 1 to her mother without telling her about the show, I had a feeling that RuPaul must have thought, "well I'm not going to give you $100,000, then!"

i.e. "you should just be yourself, unless nobody likes you; and then you should be Alaska."

Uh yeah, I'd say Alaska is in the upper tier when it comes to post-RPDR success… and she's doing it right.

The closed captioning, which struggled throughout the entire finale, had it as "threat to the nation"…

That totally messed with me especially considering her look at the moment was screaming Kennedy already…

Really awkward to watch if you're Courtney Act: "Take a seat Court, you won't be needed for one of these…"

You're in for a treat, especially Alaska who simply kills it live. I've seen nearly all of the upper-half of the RPDR alumni and she's a good lap or two beyond most if not all when it comes to putting on a show…

Brings to mind the paradox of Drag U: "You women should love yourselves for who you are, now let's make you over! Everybody say LOVE!"

I dunno. Latrice was sort of the anchor within a season of really strong, well-defined personalities. She was pretty epic. I would liken Chi Chi more to Dida Ritz (which isn't a bad thing)…