Visual Massage

I like the self-referential challenges from time to time (thinking of S5's lip synch challenge) but it does seem a little weird and cheap when it's during Snatch Game. It did, however, show that Violet had some comedic chops, so there's that.

Alicia Keys wasn't Alexis' livelihood though. I have a feeling Derrick's high-profile success as an impersonator relies at least in part on having a relationship with the impersonated…

Maybe she comes back after a SECOND double-elim, and that's when the sparks fly…

Right, whereas we're not getting that improvement arc with Kim Chi, just either her working around it or a seemingly-intentional edit around it.

It really seems like since the first episode either production has worked in her favor (rollerskates, last week's absurdly abridged runway) or she's shrewdly worked around the limitation ('characterization', a kimono)… it's a pretty serious limitation though.

Yes! It was really bugging me the whole time: "I've seen this before… but where?"

Well, shade is the language of New Yorkers, after all…IJS.

I've seen her do Crazy Eyes already so I knew what to expect (which was perfection). Wasn't digging the Carol Channing though, you gotta hit it harder than that after Pandora's own. Switching to Sister Act Whoopi would have been much more epic, although she won anyway so whatevs!

The T is that the producers encouraged those queens to stay their course when they saw the others kimono-ing up…

I was furious when they cut to the Snatch Game panel and I saw Bob as Crazy Eyes. Whipping out the Sister Act getup in the workroom was solely meant to throw Naomi off her game, 'cause she could have really pulled off that Color Purple character well. I mean I like Bob and all but that was PhiPhi-to-Jiggly-level shady.

Thinking of Pearl/Ang bouncing up and down and grunting "yeah! yeah!" makes me crack up every time. That was my winner, far more absurdly hilarious than the milquetoast Adele and one-trick Little Richard…

A few weeks ago someone gave the "spoiler" that the guests were gonna be the Sedaris siblings, which made watching those two last night all the more painful…

Heart of Glass = disco…

Go back to Family Dollar where you belong!

Maybe she'll tell her to wear a fucking turtleneck (and Santino to learn to sew)… oh wait, that's what got that other "bitchy" queen kicked off, right?

Given the narrative they have been working for that queen the past few episodes, I can see that being the case…

Yeah, I'll probably save it for the finale. When I'm at home, drinks are free and I can hear everything…

It was straight-up B52s. Synth was a Gary Numan rip, the punk was Joan Jett. But I agree that Thorgy's headpiece was probably in part influenced by the Devo Energy Dome…

Apparently, to Lucian the essence of punk is to simply scream with anger…

I thought the past two weeks she shone next to each episode's winner. I thought she stood out quite well against Bob last week, and this week I actually thought she held her own and outperformed Robbie Turner. I think she's remarkably smart and mature for being the youngest this season.