
I loved that show! I've always wondered why they didn't make more episodes since I seem to remember it being well received. I especially enjoyed the last episode with Rik Mayall.

A Stella appearance always improves an episode. Speaking of little-seen family pets, I wonder if Larry's still around.

My enjoyment Seinfeld has been tainted since finding out Steve Bannon gets royalties from the show.

Yeah, when I re-read my comment, I realized it came across as kind of mean/paranoid—a result of recently binge-watching Black Mirror and coming to expect the worst. I think you're right about why the maid plot thread was included, but I wish it had been better executed. Apart from that bit, Emily's story has been my

I find the way Berta has gradually been moving more and more of her extended family into Emily's house unsettling. I keep expecting the actress to pull off a wig, reveal that the language she's been speaking is made up, and then start giving a villain monologue.

I enjoyed the cut to the audience after he said that where they showed David Schwimmer shifting uncomfortably in his seat and Travolta ooh-ing at the burn.

The Great British Bake Off, known as the Great British Baking Show in the US and with wonky season numbering. It's the first reality show I've watched in years and it's incredibly entertaining (I say that as someone with little interest in baking apart from eating the output). There's currently only 1 season on

Ivana Milicevic

O'Mara, like Simon Baker and Alex O'Loughlin, has been given a lot of chances on various TV show, but nothing's really panned out for him. Maybe this'll be his Mentalist or Hawaii 5-0 even though AoS is an established ensemble show. Whatever. I just think it's interesting that certain actors keep getting pushed

I keep forgetting when it's on. Episodes are on Amazon Prime, but there's like a 5-day delay.

It's a fun show and I'm disappointed that it's not getting more media attention, not to mention viewers. At least they're still doing recaps at Vulture: http://www.vulture.com/tv/b…

It's on Amazon Prime.

I forgot about that, but it did look awkward. Poor Barbara.

Barbara didn't play a great game, but seems like such a sweet person so Trebek's dismissive "Yeah, ok" in response to her story was extra annoying. Although nonsensically exclaiming "I love proximity!" did redeem him a little bit.

Annoyingly, they seem to have the dubbed version of Rec, but Dead Birds is on Crackle too and is worth a watch.

I was hoping this one would come out in time for Halloween, but it looks
like it will go into wide release in the US on Feb 26 and in the UK on March 11.

When I first got into old time radio a few years ago, that was one that kept coming up in recommendations and I wasn't disappointed when I gave in and listened to it. Very unsettling.

Didn't Duchovny also have them move filming from Vancouver to LA only for him to quit a year later or something?

But if I remember right, don't they show Sun waking up from sleep in her cell when Nomi is cornered by the cops and asks for help?