
I'd like to see Philip do that weird neck thing Oleg was pulling off in the talk with his father

I thought she was going to bank on the walls to get the neighbours to stop that awful racket then I realised she was playing that music herself

They should have called Stan's bluff. There is no way he would ruin his life including a new romance over some Russian KGB agent on the other side of the world that he met once or twice, despite the fact they are eskimo friends or whatever

Hey man, she can no longer eat peanut butter, it's like a nightmare

You'd think Gabriel would at have had enough respect for Martha to come clean with her now there is no need to pretend. He could have told her Clarke's name is Philip. And Philip's real name is Mikhail.

I found it odd that both Philip and Elizabeth rejected the idea of Henry going to a prestigious boarding school. It is actually perfect for their goals as spies, not only does it get Henry out of the house so they can freely discuss spy stuff but he potentially ends up in a higher echelon of society from which they

Absolutely. And what exactly did he expect Philip to do with that information? He can't exactly untell Paige that they are Russian spies.

Something DID happen. Martha cooked a potato.

Tuan's blood runs ice cold. There is no way he was telling the truth about his sob story.

I loved the little delay and the final arrow at the end, made me crack up XD

Right!? And then skewered a viking in the head lol!

Out of character for Ivy. She showed she is a ruthless killer by murdering plant guy now she's rescuing people she doesn't even know even though she is obviously disgusted by him. Makes no sense except to throw to characters together for purposes of the show.

The 'big bad' eg the court of owls have been sketched very thin, I'm not sure they've been humanized at all

For one thing, the Penguin was smart

TERRIBLE writing, some bad acting (Ivy, Bruce) pretty good set design

I don't particularly care about Oleg either, not sure what his continuing plot has to do with anything else, they should have ended it when he moved back to the motherland

Anyone else think Oleg's mother dobbed him in and is secretly with the KGB?

To be honest in my first first viewing of their gym meeting I thought she had rejected his attentions at the very start she was so icy

No thanks. I really don't want to hear Elizabeth telling Phillip how she dropped by Subways on the way back from Claudia's because she couldn't resist the great healthy taste ala shows like Chuck

Plus both in the case of Ernesto and Jimmy himself Chuck employed the use of entrapment