
That's attractive, but anachronistic and wrong:

Hell is just one endless comments' section

Its ultra-leftist and liberal commentators certainly seem to behave that way, as much as the Freeper crowd; guess it's the puritan heritage.

If immigration reform hadn't passed in '65, maybe not…

There are really shitty things that happen in really shitty countries all the time; and things don't change. Americas is not the worst.

I'm going to accept that you mean well; but only an American could be so naive as to say that.

Wellll, there's this thing is some people's minds called a Caliphate…

My understanding is he was divorced after a short marriage, for domestic assault.

There's 2 things though- and I'm not saying I'm convinced:

And thus also had a background check, by the way

Exhibit A: Jindal who has done an Enron on Lousisana, for a failed chance at the Presidency.

Except he really didn't.

Is it actually shocking that a country would want to maintain control of its borders? If the mainstream demonizes this rather rational argument, it's only shocking someone like Trump didn't arrive sooner,

Now hang on - ISIS is mainstream?

Are you two ladies going to make out?

That's not Mike Vago

Upvoted because it's true

Just a Volvo.

Well, there's no way to be sure it isn't a lesbian otherwise

D'you like fishdicks?