
Yay! It all equals out…

The Flash gets a darker, grittier reboot.


Oh fuck off - great grandma bubbe surviving Auschwitz doesn't give a free pass to every upper middle class Jewish kid to pretend they're a sharecropper after reconstruction or something

You mean, sort of like how World War Z was made into a successful franchise movie on Earth-2?

On the other hand, perhaps this is genuine evidence of skew in the distribution of zombies in LA.

Let's no belabour the point

IF… you've thought of watching this series: DON'T

Mostly No.

Just when you think "this looks like it might be getting interesting" - they cut to the series finale of Battlestar Galictica in terms of stupidity.

… to a BOAT!



"… on a BOAT!"

I love Zombies. Whatever the ups and downs of the Walking Dead, I even suffered through Herschel's "mah barn, mah farm" bullshit.

I've rarely if ever decided to quit watching something midshow because of one thing; but the poor little bastard getting munched was so goddam stupidly gratuitous it did it for me.

So he was like the class half-Klingon

So… You've been up his alley?

A goddam FIRM… you got PAID?

It can be two things.