
Not just that sequence. Parts of that movie were just series of 5 second scenes. It was all over the place. I don't think I've ever seen anything like it. I rewatched it and Captain America CW, and ignoring the story and just focused on the the film making its a wonder BvS even got released.

I think it costs like two bucks to remove the ads.

Their movie selection isn't horrible. I have Spaceman, Swiss Army Man, the Infiltrator, Green Room, The Neon Demon, Clockwork Orange, and a bunch of other stuff in my movie queue now.

Loved the book! And the show was good enough that I never really sat there comparing it to the book.

What's in the box?!

I LOVED that Gravediggaz album back in the day!

I thought the casting was a little off at first, but he had me laughing my ass off by the second episode. I only have the finale left to watch, but he has been my favorite part of the show.

Definitely worth a watch! I enjoy iZombie, but these are two very different shows. This is more like a sitcom. Some very good/funny moments in every episode I've watched.

The fake flirting I don't care about. But the conversations drive me crazy. There's a local bar/restaurant about a hundred yards from where I work that has great food, but ever damn person that works there wants to talk. I was in there during the Oscars last year and the owner sat himself down at my table and

Hmmm….maybe I'm George Clooney and it isn't "fake interest"? To the Batcave!

Hooters wings are fine. And what's the point of reviewing some local place that nobody is going to comment on? There's also probably a dozen local bars that do fries better than McDs, but that won't generate clicks.

Hooters wings are perfectly fine if you don't have a local place that does them well. They closed the one near me down and I won't be driving 30 minutes to go to the next closest one (I only ever went a couple times a year anyway).

Their wings are not great. Fine would be a good descriptor. They do however have a couple tasty burgers.

Waitresses pretty much fake interest in you at every restaurant/bar.

Yeah, when Brock Osweiler didn't go to the White House with the rest of the Broncos (albeit for different reasons) I told my wife something along the lines that he was such a fool to pass up a chance to visit the White House and meet the Prez. I would have gone no matter how I felt about my old team and no matter

Seriously. FUCK Kyle Shanahan. Sooo glad he didn't end up here in Denver. A dozen of us were on our feet yelling "run the fucking football!"

I think I saw one commercial for Gold when Mathew Mcconaughey was on some talk show barely promoting it, and I saw a ton of stuff for Founder last summer that actually looked interesting but nothing since. I too didn't know it had a wide release yet.

Stroke, maybe?

Sorry to hear that. Got to be kinda traumatic even if you weren't close. Similar thing happened to my ex. Everybody said it was an accidental overdose, but a few of us still believe it was very intentional. You weren't living in Denver were you?

Mysterious circumstances, eh? Are you still a POI?