Young Roddy

I hate her, she's the type to speak with authority on all issues without anyone asking her opinion let alone her opinion having any value.

if that day happens ill be right there rooting him on, but this all I've ever seen from him. Did you happen to see Neighbors? it was the same humor, Morgan in a slightly different role.

C from me. I don't have specifics I feel like going into this time. All I'll say is this, I barely laughed, I wasn't a fan of the plot, or maybe just how the plot unraveled, I still hate Gil, and I want Penny back.

Ill look out for it in my rewatch

Mindy is always saying offensive things, it's a part of her charm. You can't pick and choose which offensive statements are ok and which aren't. The beauty of humor is that it allows us to laugh in light of tragedy. this gets more and more true with decades…and it's been at least 2 since the holloway incident.


I was going to say this myself but rather than make my own comment I'll add to yours. Yes, they make a joke of this in the show that she's always around, but that doesn't make it acceptable. You already have a stellar cast, so why make this lady the new main character? The jokes are funny but I don't want every

I agree, and the problem is that his humor is the classic "im the idiot" trope with a little prison mixed in. This makes every gag with him hit or miss, this week it was all hit but it isn't always.

So the AV Club hates identity crisis, huh? I'll just add that to the list of no-no's then…..

Oh god no, im fine with you not liking it, im less cool with the other guy completely dismissing it because of rape. As marvel man myself I read way less dc so maybe my lack of connection to the characters compared to your guys possible connections with them had a part to play in pur difference of opinions. Identity

My problem is more with the homeless guy love as I hate him. I can understand not like Tran, I just think he's perfect for nicks humor

I don't think this is premature at all and i completely agree! She has infatuation with a super-powered man, not with her dorky best friend. The speech Kaitlyn gave barry about being chosen because he is the way is he, powers or not, THATS what we want his love interest thinking and saying.

Can I ask why? Seasons 1, 2, and so far 4 have been dynamite. 3 took a noticeable dip. was that all it took?

I don't discredit Zooey but when I'm trying to get people to watch the show I emphasize hows it's really a ensemble cast with mainly hilarious guys. I mean I've gotten three of my friends to watch and love New Girl and they all are self described "manly men" who wouldn't give this show a shot 99 times out of 100. I

I just screamed "TRAN"

When Nick first met Tran it was just magic "look at how high i can jump"

oh god no, please leave. Why would you even say that!?

What a foolish and idiotic thing to say! Superheroes are effected by the tragedies of every day life as well, if youre looking for nice, neat, family friendly stories there a bunch for you to go find. Don't get pissed off when A superhero story gets serious.

So, I'll say this as a disclaimer, I was pretty sure this week was the arrow/flash crossover (which I'm sure was CW's intention) so I was pissed at first just yelling at my TV "where the fuck is the arrow?".

I thought, and still think, that Identity Crisis is brilliant.