
And Under Siege is the only one on this list not taking place in Chicago, Davis' hometown. The A.V. Club staff should probably dig him up and beg him to make some more of these great Chicago actioners!

Miss July '89! (Which is true, by the way.)

Steven Seagal IS Three Word Title

My father recommended this to me and my brothers when we were kids and also recorded it on VHS (from German television, dubbed, of course). I remember we really liked it and we also really didn't get it: I, for one, always thought it was a "real" black-and-white film and had no idea about the footage and/or

German footballers in 1995. Enjoy!

Ha, nice story. I won't argue with you about the quality of the film…

Hmm, this might explain it. Although it's treated like a regular Cannon film everywhere I've just looked online… and it certainly looks - or should I say, feels? - like one!

What I'm kind of confused about is the fact that "Cobra" is completely ignored (or did I miss that?). The narrative made it seem that it was totally unprecedented that someone as big as Stallone was hired for "Over the Top" - and for an apparently unprecedented amount of money -, but "Cobra" was released (maybe not

Another good thing is that it could be expanded to the "King Family Cinematic Universe" through the inclusion of the connected Joe Hill stuff.

Haha! In German, "Alles" (yeah, unfortunately not "Ales") means "Everything/Anything/All", and "Kot" means "Feces/Scat". Sorry, just read the headline and had to come here to post "All Shit"!

And in the German dubbed version she's Generous Topless. Because the pun there was with "ohne Top" = without top.