
That's where things get interesting. You can see why I'm looking forward to next season. That's the big question that needs answering. Were there other heroes already? Did guys like captain cold exist anyway since their gimmicks were science based and had almost nothing to do with the accelerator?

This is what annoys me most — it seems like a lot of people don't understand that the series is already within an alerted timeline. The original timeline was exactly that: Barry was raised by his parents; he dated and probably married Iris already; he didn't become the flash until he was 30 or so; Harrison Wells

It's silly though because in comics this is common - that's part of the fun. Not everything needs to be a continual forward progression.

I still say reverse flash was the best. Deathstroke is very close second.

The difference though is the reverse flash mythology. It worked very differently in the comics. Here, I think we're looking at a return to the original timeline, which means no Barry as flash because that was five years after season 1.

Lol you can tell who has and hasn't read the comics by their reaction to the ending. This isn't going to be a blanket reboot if they do Flashpoint.

I think people are missing the point — zoom was going to do it anyway, on his own. He said HE needed to run 500 laps to power the machine, so he could do it alone of he needed. He was giving Barry a chance to stop him, which would prove that Barry was faster if he succeeded.

It seemed pretty clear that it happened because bran was using past Willis as a tether to warg hodor. As a result, bran heading meera transferred to Willis. The tether is the unexplained part but it's one that makes some sense.

Earth 1 wells didn't — Eobard Thawne did.

My favorite bit: "We don't need weapons. We have super powers". Otherwise, yea…underwhelming episode with some good promise. After the trainwreck of an arrow we had this week, I was hoping for a bit more of a wow from Legends.

Would rather see her get a full show. I like legends, but if you made a vixen show with a portion of budget and distributed the difference to flash and arrow… This week showed what could be done with that extra room.

I think it's Earth 2 Wally.

I've seen debates. As best I can make sense, it's either:

It's Hawkman. He'll be back.

I thought this was a strong improvement over the last episode. The cast seems more gelled, the storytelling was stronger and it moved at a stronger clip. The thing that dragged this show down was the Hawks (and that's why I understand the grade) and now we got rid of half of them. I thought this was at least a B+.

Right on. This is what comics are: american mythology, and it's why we love them so much. We didn't have any, so we made it, from the ground up, and they resonate with our values, or were meant to.

I can't help thinking that. This is basically the exact thing Matt struggled all throughout the original series to avoid. It's kind of amazingly sad that it happened.

I think it is related to Wes' mom, because he was surprised Annalise knew about it, and her reason for knowing was handwaved pretty easily. My first thought was that she was his aunt, but maybe it's something else, which….it's a bit of a stretch, but if Annalise is bisexual, might she have been in a relationship with

I agree. The Penny Guy clearly has some mind power, so it would make sense for him to wipe "Nathan"s mind and make him "Tommy". Something big will happen next episode, for sure.

Can we start a petition? A kick-starter? Berlanti and Crew to make it?