
If they weren't going to combine it into the arrowverse, sure, but if they do, can't, unfortunately, because I agree.

One thing you have to realize is that it didnt' give the guy Flash's powers: it just removed them. So I think this is more a power-dampening measure, since stealing flash's powers doesn't help him if he wants to keep the future entact…but stealing another speedsters powers, one who threatens the flash…. wellll then….

Not a legitimate criticism. He does smoke, they just don't show him. I'm sure they have reasons, but they've occasionally shown him with cigarettes having just finished or forced to stop because he's gotta do something. Sure he's not chain smoking but it's not what you're making it out to be.

Agree. There was some hokiness, but I didn't think it was nearly as bad as the reviewer said. Also, the husband (Clark) was killing his wife. It all depends on the method leading up to the death: the hitchhiker was lost and looking for something to latch onto, so he kept latching onto passerbys and dragging them to

Personal theory: he's Gizmo of HIVE and he's looking to recruit Malcolm Merlyn's daughter to the HIVE FIVE

But does it mean Superman?? I mean, I know people say WB wouldn't let him go to the small screen because of overexposure, but the way Wells said that line…it was too knowing.

The constant winking from this show is giving me seizures.

It wasn't for the statute of murder, it's for being a vigilante.