John Kitchen

"Never sneak up on a man who's been in a chemical fire"

I agree 100%. I listened to his interview with Rogan, and Milo is terrible and annoying. However , all he really did (in the Rogan interview) was tell his story about how he sought out and engaged in sexual activity with an adult as a 14 year old. He didn't endorse anything or tell a story embellishing abuse.

Oh man, they're just trucks people in Missouri drive when they go muddin'

I greatly dislike Negan so far in this show, but I thought his walkie talkie eulogy was great

I love Denzel

Trump bringing more jobs to the US!

Garfield was good in Hacksaw Ridge, but the movie as a whole doesn't deserve to be Best Picture. I think one of the awesome AF horror/thriller movies this year should be nominated instead. My nod would be Green Room

Godzilla 2014 is one of my favorite movies. I've watched it probably 25 times. The cinematography is so beautiful and I love the slow burn.

I'll still go to Chicago for Kuma's. I'll still never go to LA.

I just watched Hacksaw Ridge a few night ago.

They really need to take the Municipal Waste approach.


I don't understand why Lars' drumming takes so much flack. He's equally as "good" as the rest of the band. Metallica makes good music, but the only thing impressive about any of it is that Hetfield can downpick all that shit at tempo live.

There's a London Sanctum, they make damn sure we know about it too. Why not just make Strange British instead of forcing Cumberbatch to struggle through that accent? Ugh.

The breakdown in Great White North is so lit.

I feel like this episode made all the prior ones better because it cements in your mind that all the sketchy acting and other lack luster portions were just reenactments. It's almost like the show gave itself a do over.

No Hot Rod? Get the fuck out.

I live in northern Michigan , 3 hours 55 minutes from Chicago, 3 hours 44 minutes from Detroit. I choose Chicago every time.

I HATE Cersei. At least the showrunners did a good job setting up a strong villain that you want to see die.

This is so true. My dad has voted straight ticket Democrat since he could vote after he got back from Vietnam. He's voting Trump because he believes Trump will break the wheel.