
The status is that of the only doctor in town and all the perks that come with it…such as being able to question authority and not be harmed. In fact we don't know what would have happened if the other doctor would have survived… from what I remember nobody threatens to kill him. In fact the only murder that happens

I infered that from his act of murdering the other doctor by giving Beth the wrong medication…the reason he stays is, because he is scared of being eaten by a zombie, but he kills, because he is scared to lose his position.

I imagine that comment was directed at me. I wanted to discuss the show and not necessarily what is good and bad in real life(I assume you agree with me that the show is trying to portray a socialized dictatorship focused on medicie?)…if you like your socialism you can keep your socialism…my problem with socialism is

Lol…….still laughing…..thanks man I got a good laugh out of that one. I do apologize to any Africans that might have been offended by that.

You are free to interpret things however you wish…my advice is when somebody says you cannot leave you should interpret that as something bad.

How so?

You are free to have your own opinion. In fact if you could write it there would be something to discuss.

Sure I can agree with that…some things can mean multiple things though.

May be I am…this is what I think of when I see this show. If you see something else that is fine by me…there is no right answer here. I think the terminus allegory is that some people are already zombies just more clever. I think what the creators are trying to show us is that if civilization collapses a lot of us

There is no debt if there is no contract…sometimes people don't want to be saved and it is their right in my opinion….I explained this better in one of my other posts.

May be I am…may be it is just a gruesome story about zombies eating people…just like the Lord of the Flies was simply about a bunch of little kids hunting on an island.

Thanks I will try to be more careful next time.

The rabbit hole goes way farther than Obama or any American president for that matter. I actually think Obama is being whacked with a stick for all the wrong reasons.

I have to disagree with you here. You choose to focus on the fact that they later have to pay for their treatment…sure I can understand that nothing is "free" even in a socialist utopia. I choose to focus on the fact that they don't have a choice, but to accept that healthcare(the women that was raped by the cop was

I will also add this…some doctors that I know give their child patients lollipops if they were "good". In this episode a cop forces this lollipop into Beth's mouth…forced medicine…even if you are for Obamacare you have to appreciate the metaphors.

Thanks I appreciate your input. I thought I was posting in the thread under it where they were discussing Obamacare a little bit. I also hope you enjoyed the pun in my earlier reply. :)

Well metaphors are easy to argue and if you don't see what I see it does not necessarily mean that you are right and I am wrong. For example I do not see the parking lot scene as having anything to do with Benghazi perhaps you could explain it better. It was not my goal to offend democrats or republicans…you are both

I am sorry you did not like my analysis. It just dawned on me how deep this show really is and I wanted to share it with other people.

Only time will tell. I don't think there is another deep dark secret. What I have seen about this hospital is deep and dark enough.The doctor says that one of Jesus's disciples claimed that he did not know Jesus to not be curcified, and the doctor says that he is something like that disciple. Basically admiting to

I think this episode(and this whole show) is trying to show people what different governments look like….you are shown that democracy can only last if there are lot of people like Rick and Hershel(think the farm they were living on). Then you see the more autocratic prison setup (Rick saying "this is not a democracy