
You guys are comedians I swear. Keep entertaining me with your b.s.. Loool

Moral compass?looooooool. Now thatsvthe funniest thing I've heard this year. You are too funny?moral compass. Wowsers


Yeah I know

Go back to the cave you came out of. Either you got something to say or go back to being a fool

Maybe you are the one with the issue. Maybe you and this so called journalist know something we don't .I'm freakin u out? Is the journalist your lover?it's odd that you are freaked out but you have no problem supporting trash journalism .

Yeah. That's right. He should be spending time with his wife and family instead of stressing over a non story. When you write articles about stuff you do not know, it's called time wasting. Better use that time maybe pleasing your own wife .

You know what's baffling Mr Journalist? That you are not having sex with your wife instead of worrying about another man's business that has been accused of something and not proven to have done anything. You dont have anything better to do with your hands? Idiot.

dont waste your time on charlotte the assylum escapee.

Charlotte the crazy loon is here. ha ha ha. Assylum let you out ehh?