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    if cold killed sexy the Eskimos would have gone the way of the dodo centuries ago

    Haven't they done a lot of ________ enters a contest, doesn't win episodes?

    Thank you for pointing out that cartoons are different than real life. That's one less thing for me to have to worry about

    I never ran, ever, in PE and they gave me a B.

    Shouldn't someone tell Sue about financial aid, student loans, work/study programs…etc? I know that would cut off potential plots for future episodes, but it seems like a big thing to overlook even for the sake of the story line.

    Ned Flanders floated up into heaven in the intro, and wasn't seen in the rest of the show… maybe they tried to be sneaky about who died

    You're forgetting about the free noodles and coke.

    Is your wife (girlfriend/boyfriend/whatever) as interesting and exciting to you as when you first started seeing her? If she isn't, is that really her fault? Or is it just impossible for something to be as exciting as it was when it was new?

    >>The Simpsons will be back next year, so take the interim, as I will, strategizing how to talk about it.>>

    The Frank Burly books

    Hey! You guys know words that sorta sound like other words! You must get all kinds of puss!

    Are you taking about the strike at the comedy store? Leno was one of the leaders of Comedians for Compensation and walked the picket lines like everyone else. Other comics crossed over to get stage time from Mitzi, Leno didn't. He helped make sure comics got paid anything at all when they were working in the LA clubs.

    One point in Leno's favor - He get a lot of crap about pointing out dumb stuff in the paper, but Carson and Letterman did the same thing too. The bit is a little easy and cornball , but everyone else was stooping that low too.
    Several against him: I wonder if the people who say he was a brilliant comic pre-tonight

    You're actually close. It's meaning is a lot closer to "Beaten Down"
    than “beatific”