Ian G.

No, in fact Mike Judge made exactly that joke on "Beavis and Butt-Head", where the two mistook Candlebox for Ugly Kid Joe.

I didn't know they had one song. They're probably that band where, if someone told me "this is Buckcherry" as the song played, I'd be "oh, THAT song", but I've never actually sought out their music to know it.

I dunno, the Black Keys are pretty damn good, and pretty damn popular, and still around. I don't know if they fit your definition of "unironic, fun, rocking band". They do mine.

I guess it doesn't fit the "inessential" definition in that there are people (I don't know who they are) that listen to Fall Out Boy, and it's not a reality TV crossover, or a Christmas album. That's probably why Train never makes these lists either.

Amen. I have to admit to liking "Believe", though. Always enjoyed the guitar solo at the end.

I saw the "Duck Dynasty" Christmas album up at the top of the charts on iTunes, and I wondered if it was released just so the AV Club could make fun of it, and Sarah Palin could go on FOX News and complain about how much the leftists at the AV Club hate America.

The Frightened Rabbit album is fantastic (despite the band's rather stupid name). I guess I should check out the Speedy Ortiz one, if people do compare them to Pavement and Helium.

Wait, are you talking about "Second Coming" or all of their output? Because "slow, hookless shoegazing" is emphatically not how I'd describe "I am the Resurrection" or "She Bangs the Drums".

That and "Get in the Ring".

You must be younger than me by a few years. Mr. Big and Motley Crue were playing at my roller rink when I was there.

I will forever be grateful to Mike Judge for introducing my 13-year-old self (who had gotten into rock thanks to Pearl Jam and Nirvana on the radio at that time) to, among other bands, Sonic Youth. "Only $2 to see Sonic Youth? That's a deal!"

Amen. I always imagine the Williamsburg crowd raising their lighters to that song.

Oh, and how could I forget, "Three Days", Jane's Addiction. Remember when Dave Navarro wasn't a complete fucking joke?

Cliched choice: "Comfortably Numb"
Early 90s grunge god choice: "Like Suicide". Good lord does that song ever close out "Superunknown" with a bang. I think "Like Suicide" alone puts "Superunknown" a hair ahead of "Badmotorfinger" when ranking Soundgarden albums.

It's not a particularly long solo, but "See No Evil" by Television is as good as they come.

Yup. Honestly, looking back at the early 90s (before Spotify and websites like AV Club), I really owe a debt of gratitude to Beavis and Butt-Head for introducing me to stuff beyond what was being played on modern rock radio. 13-year-old me heard Pearl Jam and Nirvana on the radio, and they drove me to explore more

My $.02:
1. Ten
2. Vs.
3. self-titled
4. Vitalogy
5. No Code
6. Backspacer

Am I the only one who loves the Avocado album? I feel like it was the moment they finally embraced being the Gen X Springsteen and hit us with energy that was often missing from the previous 3 records (although I do like Riot Act). I'd rate the Avcado album their 3rd-best, after Ten and Vs.