Guess I misdirected my previous reply. Yeah, I will, and I do. Enjoy your imagination of the same. Cheers!
Guess I misdirected my previous reply. Yeah, I will, and I do. Enjoy your imagination of the same. Cheers!
You're up late? I will. Long as you're not one of them I guess.
#1: Referring to Hanzee as "that Indian fella" is hardly patronizing or racist, either then or now. It just MIGHT be time for grown up Americans to get over that kind of shit when speaking in public. I'm with you in further appreciating that his subsequent meltdown and collection of bodies afterward was MUCH more…
No, I was apologizing for the ONLY thing worth apologizing for.
Guess I'm not living on these boards like you are. Let me guess. Desperate housewife?
LOL! It's attack of the feministas time I guess. Let me ask you, what do you think her role in that film was, if it wasn't to imply barely legal sex appeal? And Chicken Nachos, I wasn't implying anything, other than in your PC perverted mind. Don't you all have a collection of tools to retire too?
I guess I should apologize for my use of "it's" where "its" was due too. I HATE grammatical stupidity!
Ok, I get it. You're offended by the underage aspect of it. I get that, but the movie stands on it's own. And in the movie she was frozen in time underaged dramatically for a reason, whether you like that or not. I won't go into all that here, because it needs no explanation. And although I'm sorry that you were…
I guess because it's called "acting" and because she's always been marketed as a "sexual object," for lack of a better or more appropriate term, including Interview with a Vampire. Apparently you haven't heard? Sex SELLS, on both sides of the gender aisle.
It's the little things. I couldn't help but focus on the cheap shag carpets every time I saw them. And the way that that delicious little Interview with the Vampire vixen Kirsten Dunst looks so completely unappetizing as a ditzy middle-aged 70's mid-western housewife here. I found myself aching to see her (out of…
I do too, so no offense intended.
I'll take that under advisement. Or should I have bypassed that comment as well?
Absurdist dramedy raised to the level that you actually think you're living it or have lived it, THAT'S Fargo! It's FUCKING AMAZING!
I do too. But that's what keeps me watching this show.
I think we often read too much into shows like this. Tendencies are DESTROYED on purpose. One, because that's what stupid humans actually do in their everyday lives, and two, that's what smart TV show producers do to keep people watching. When it's done right, no one watching can tell the difference. Fargo does it…
Loplop as a bird? Didn't see any obvious references to that.
I'm still trying to catch up, but I think you're probably missing A LOT if you're marking this episode down based on coincidences and/or happenstance, especially at this late stage of the season. That's the true MAGIC of Fargo, IMHO.
Ed's face turning various shades of red and purple and then back again was done very sadistically/realistically as well. Nice touch!
I'm about the same age as the Blumquists too, so can't wait to catch up on the whole 70s-80s shtick this season presents from the start as well. Modern TV productions have REALLY got their shit together in that regard, haven't they?
Just finally ducking into this show again after first being put off by the first season in a few brief viewings on air, and then totally hooked again when I could watch it again without interruptions on DVD. Found it very easy to come up to speed again, even starting at episode 7 this time, having become accustomed to…