
The Birdman is Eliot Bezzerides, write it down, and the trope will be neither. It will simply be pseudo-biblical, just like it always is. In the end, just like Season One, there won't actually be all that much "there" there again, after all.

Ok, Telenovella satire, evidently with Latina TV connotations, an overreaching and pretentious soap opera (Jane the Virgin seems to be the prime example) is I guess is what you're getting at.

Still Googling the term. If you could define it before I get around to finding it that would be much appreciated. Haven't hear that one before.

Vince as Frank does seem to be the outlier role this year, doesn't it? Still not quite sure what to make of it myself, so for now I'm sticking with my pet theory: dead pan camp. A parody of a parody. If it's true - and it certainly fits in with the plot development thus far as well - he's pitching a no-hitter so far.

Fair to say you take umbrage with the review then, I guess?

And he said it so eloquently and self-assuredly immediately before - in a shot I almost had to turn away from, I could see it coming so clearly - Velcoro freed so many of his teeth from their mandibular roots. Now THAT was genius!

Anyway you slice it, a lot of emotional baggage wrapped up in that scene. Then it wraps up with the kid swallowing his anxiety with pizza and coke in a typical dissociative state. It just worked on so many levels - very well played all around!

Something that struck me on the second watching was that this scene came right on the heels of the social worker and Chad scene. In it, Ray had cheerfully presented a Stealth Bomber model to Chad as a way of gaining his interest, which Chad promptly rejected (and I honestly felt Ray getting kicked in the nads here),

I think the key is to have fun with it. A lot of people took Season One as drop dead serious, at least until the ending was revealed, but I read this one much more along the lines of dead pan camp, or a very dry insider's satire of the genre. Could that be why Taylor Kitsch was given such a seemingly superfluous role?

Frank will be crushed for sure, whether he gets knocked off or not. In many ways, a quick death would be the best option for him now. He's doubling down on bad decisions at very turn now with predictable (and downright comedic) results. Cisco, with his dry smirk, doesn't even have to speak to register his ridicule

Something about the line "Please read J.P. McPickleshitter 's comment below" read with a straight face is funny. God I love the internet!

I doubt very much they actually meant it this way (but who knows?), but I'm reminded of arterial blood flow and/or nerve pathways when I see the freeway scenes. More likely they're just filler and/or bleak reminders of the vast sprawl of the SoCal inland empire.

Sounds good, figuratively if not literally. I'm over here hanging out with the New Mexicans, though, and not the "new" Mexicans or whatever the outlaw posse this year is being referred to these days.

It reminded me of nothing so much as one of those hyper-speed scenes out of Snatch. Maybe Ray will be discovered to have swallowed a chew toy during the scene, which will be a source of comedy amusement during the remaining two episodes, eventually even winning back the affections of his ex-wife and red-headed step

I still have this crazy feeling that old man Bezzerides has a nefarious part to play in all this. Maybe Jack "Boomer" Morrison, after repressing all those bad memories from his late 80's prison rape in Boston and the loss of his first wife in that strange bathtub slip incident, first moves west to Seattle to escape,


Lol! Kudos for best username and icon seen to date. By far!

I've always wondered about that last statement. Do they have a chart/table or perhaps a Smart Phone app that you can plug your particulars into to determine when "your time" is? And I'm assuming that would alter the eulogy as well, although I don't recall ever hearing words to that effect; i.e., he was cantankerous,

Can you imagine? In one of his few roles thus far, he has starred as the butt of the joke for an entire movie! He's either going to grow up very tough, with a heck of a sense of humor, or emotionally scarred for life.

Or possibly a thrombosis, hard to say just yet.