
And she wasn't all that pleased when he showed up on her doorstep in the first place. Don thought he was going back to "a place called home," only to find out that wasn't it. He was literally out of options at that point. Either seek enlightenment and find some kind of peace or end it all. He evidently chose the

My first take as well. The ending was implied either way, so it's viewer's choice.

LOL! Just remember Jerry, it's not a lie if you actually believe it.

Charlie's brother Fred never got the recognition he deserved!

Fair to say that he was type cast for his role on Mad Men then?

Talk about your final "reveal!"

Where he'll no doubt hook up with down and out Megan, and make her the star she always dreamed of being. Afterwards he gives Don a call and says, "So Draper, I hear you've got Hamm? Wanna check out some REAL baloney?"

Thank goodness he found Jeezus! That always "brings things up a notch."

I think she was some sort of play on Don's mommy/daddy/prostitute upbringing arc or something. That's all I've been able to figure out, although admittedly, I haven't wasted much time on it. What'd they waste on her? The better part of two episodes, not counting the jaunt to always lovely Racine? If I were AMC

And in the big reveal afterward, Glenn changes his name to John Holmes, moves to LA, and the rest, as they say, is history. Big Weiner's little Weiner turns out to have the biggest weiner of all. Now that story's got legs, er… balls, or something!

Don't know if anyone's mentioned this yet, but lost in all the finale hubbub was the effect Betty's impending death will have on poor, creepy Glenn. Surely they could have squeezed five minutes or so in for that long distance phone call scene, especially after wasting at least that many on poor Leonard's refrigerator

As the minutes ticked down, I kept thinking of all the screen time wasted on totally inconsequential story arcs. It reminded me of amateurish attempts at writing I've made in the past where I'd stretch things out luxuriously, before finally coming to my senses and realizing that I had to wrap things up. Mad Men seemed

Or is it time to start all over again with renewed vigor?

It'll take a few months at least for me to assimilate. Through Season 5 for sure, and maybe Season 6 I'd definitely agree with you. Throw in Season 7 and I'm not so sure. It all felt very rushed and disjointed to me.

Agreed. Especially with Season 7(2) having so much filler. Really now, what was that whole Diana arc even about that couldn't have been summed up in a scene or two? The finale definitely felt rushed to me, especially when Leonard starts his "I'm invisible" whining with under 5 minutes to go. Neither he, or Don's

Excellent analysis!