
But Selina does deal with the loss of her mother in her own way. I think the hospital scene where Selina repeats the quote Ben shares with her only goes to show that politics has ruined this woman, so much that she can't even have a genuine emotional moment at her mother's death bed. In the final eulogy scene, the

Man that eulogy scene just encapsulated everything that this beautiful tragicomic series is. Selina sobbing pathetically "It's not fair" and "I've lost so much" was both heartbreaking and fucking hilarious. Ben's crying was also funny, that poor schmuck. A series best episode and my faith in Mandel is solidified.

Actually a pretty idiotic record. Sorry is insipid and makes zero sense. "I ain't thinkin 'bout you" yet you wrote an entire song about him? "Becky with the good hair" Does Beyonce not have good hair? Just miserably boring plodding tuneless songs with dumb lyrics about nothing. Bey is the most overrated "artiste" of

This has been the best episode of the series possibly. I was stunned. I cried, I laughed, I cringed, I died.

The show feels… different. Its less cynical in a way, more "upbeat", which I don't like. Kind of miss that British-inflected misery. Also the lighting seems to be more high contrast, or maybe that was just the torrent I was watching. The show also has a more sitcom-y feel to it now. This episode felt rushed. I don't

"What hikers… WHAT HIKERS?!"

"Whole cities of children were going to be saved from my poverty. Instead that money is going to fund obsolete… metal… giant… dildos… *glasses snap* you need to be far away from me."

"Why am I in London talking about my enormous jiggly-ass ass?!"

YAASSSS! Veep is only thing currently making life worth living, tbh. April 24th has been that date. Bring it!


"I'm the Vice President of the United States, you stupid little fuckers! These people should be begging me! That door should be half its height, so that people can only approach me in my office on their goddamn motherfucking knees."

Let's see how season 5 goes. A show like VEEP, which seems to grow in quality each year, could easily run 9 or 10 seasons.

this show's death warrant has been signed. Don't expect a season 3, not with the actual showrunner leaving and the abysmal ratings. HBO sure is going through a rough patch. Hope this means VEEP runs another 5-6 seasons.

This has been a pretty brutal week in TV Land.

He might just yet. Let's wait til ep. 9.

I still don't understand why Lip can't just take out a student loan to cover this semester's tuition. Was this explained?

I think this is the best episode of the series. So much to love. Such a subtle, layered tragicomic turn from Lauren Weedman (this is Emmy-worthy acting), great juxtaposition such as the dance scene in an empty hick bar followed by a funeral, cosmic irony in the form of a car crash right after said funeral. Just a

Elizabeth and Phillip are the best TV couple since Tony and Carmela. They have such subtle chemistry, they understand each other without even speaking.