John Dalton

For fans of the show, there was a ton of great stuff last night. The Bobby Briggs scenes were set up perfectly 26 years ago. Dougie/Coop seeing the American flag and hearing the music gave me goosebumps. Albert's comment about Matthew Lillard crying cracked me up. I loved it.

Great find. And Piper "Catherine Martell" Laurie is in it to boot!

LOVED Wally Brando.

YOU'RE telling people to lighten up??

There was a moment at the end of Frank and Doc's conversation that was so human. Suddenly, it wasn't two actors reading a script, you felt like you were eavesdropping on two old friends relating and connecting for what they both know could well be the final time. It was beautiful and poignant. Also unexpected, given

I think you have some interesting insights, but why do you have to present them like the Comic Book Guy? Relax.

I bet you're a scream at parties.

Yes, exactly this. Jill Soloway is the credited writer on this episode, so I doubt there is any pro-life message intended.

The Directors Cut ruined the movie for me. I love the theatrical.

Oh please.

Sorry, what Shearer describes is not what I see on the screen. At all.

I've long suspected that Shearer was lying about having seen it, now I'm convinced. That footage is nothing like what Shearer described in the 1992 Spy article. I think Jerry Lewis is good in it, and it doesn't seem that bad at all to me.

When Louis wrote the show, he had Pesci in mind to play Uncle Pete. For whatever reason, it didn't work out. While Alda was brilliant, Pesci would have made a ton of sense as Buscemi's father.

Also interesting to note that Tracy Nelson played first "Valley Girl" in any TV show or movie. I suspect it must have been at least partially inspired by Frank and Moon Zappa's Valley Girl single which had been released the previous June, who in turn may have been influenced by Laraine Newman's "Sheri" character from

I'm unclear on one point. Is what we're seeing simply the memories of Noah and Alison, or is what we're seeing what is being revealed to the investigator? It seemed to me, Noah lied early on in the episode when he said "I wasn't thinking about her", so I assumed it was only the memories. But some of the comments here