
Your local public library could probably help get you started on that first volume

I can't agree more about the Malazan series, especially about it not insulting your intelligence.

I'd even venture to disagree that the problem was with the writing. I think largely the problem is with the editing, or more particularly a lack of it. A decent editor would have solved those repetitive description and godawful writing ticks, and kept the books focused and probably several hundred pages shorter -

He does avoid the typical chosen-one trope of being a character that I actually like and don't hope he dies a horrible fiery death.

There was talk a week or two ago that Constantine might get picked up by SyFy…has anyone heard anything more about that?

I thought the same thing. Bell was already involved, so they didn't need the homicide to bring him in. Seemed like that murder angles was essentially pointless.
Although you probably wouldn't have had the whole swat team takedown at the end to arrest a quagga smuggler.

I thought the clue was actually great. I stumbled around some of those same names, but as soon as I hit on Bartlett, I just though, "of course - fits perfectly"

The only stumbling block for Cathy could be a missed question on one of those strong wagers. She had a strong enough lead to weather a missed DD late in the game, but might not have that cushion in the final. Still, I'd rather see someone play aggressively than be too timid like Adam.

I don't know, something tells me he didn't follow through on that promise about the club soda.

I know what you mean. I can't remember exactly how that one was worded, but I was was thinking "do they mean the asterisk?"

It looks like Constantine pulled a 0.8, just when it's starting to grow on me. I guess there's a rumor it may move to SyFy

Really pleased Kate got the Wildcard, I could develop a serious Jeopardy-crush on her!

Actually, no, petroleum based lubricants (ie. vaseline) will dissolve condoms, but silicone lubricant is a perfectly good lube to use with condoms. It shouldn't be used with silicone toys, though, as it causes a chemical reaction that will make them really gummy on the surface

That one seemed like a bit of a gimme, too. Maybe it's just where my fields of knowledge, are but found most of the questions tonight either laughably easy or really difficult

What possible reason could Marylou have had for not going all in on the final? If she does get it with what she bet, she still might not get a wild card, and if she loses she definitely won't. Bad, bad choices.

"How about them apples?" How did nobody get that!

I got stuck on logarithm, even though I knew that it wasn't right

Not a movie, but he was pretty damn funny as a sushi chef on an episode of The League

Wait..I had something for this

Was it just me, or did it strike anyone else as odd the way Alex emphasized Rome and English when he read the clue. Almost sounded like he was trying to give them a hint. I don't recall him ever doing that before.