Dee Dee

I'm over 40 and probably order than most of the posters, so I have seen a lot of TV series over their whole run—especially in the last ten years. I've seen some shows where I actually cried after the series finale because I was so attached to them (not counting if something during the episode itself made me cry).

I know they wanted us to feel some rush of emotion when Bill got staked, but half of me thought, "Good, the finally got it over with" and the other half's reaction was, "Alcide didn't need to die! Goddamned you, Buckner… lazy motherfucker…."

I've got faith in Boardwalk Empire. Now SOA might be lame, but at least it'll have a little less conversation a little more action. Sutter said the series will probably just end with all the remaining characters lying in a giant pool of blood.
The Newsroom is evidently ending this year too, but YAWN

You know… given this season and especially the last few episodes, I set the bar pretty low for this series finale. Even so, it still didn't provide the mediocre amount of entertainment value I had expected.

Most of the season she's been the fucking "damsel in distress". Pam is the LAST WOMAN ON THE SHOW FOR THAT SHIT! Last season she completely kept her cool in 'vamp camp', pretty much acting like she owned the place. She even stayed cool when The Magistrate was torturing her in Season 3-I mean she was in pain yet

Hey, guess who wrote this episode? Brian Buckner! Did you know that his original idea for the Eric-Ginger sex scene was that Eric would be totally lame in bed and Ginger would be really let down? That's hil-AR-ious! (I got this from the ew.com post mortem, which was with Ginger, deconstructing her big scene tonight.)

Yeah. As long as we're dreaming, my first ten picks would be: Al Swearagen, Paulie "Walnuts," Ryan O'Reilly, Cy Tolliver, Ruth Fisher, The Crypt-Keeper, Larry David, Omar Little, Roman Grant, and Nelson Van Alden (with his steam-iron all ready to go).
Jesus, I didn't have to even think about those. I guess I'm pretty

I would pay money to see that!

Why thank you. There must be quite a few other people out there who were as pissed as I was. STILL AM! I'm glad the writer was apologetic sounding about it, they should be, but it's "Bucky" who owes us all and ESPECIALLY Rutina Wesley a big fucking apology…

Yeah, he did kill the delivery. Apparently he's been doing Of Mice and Men and he did the play that afternoon, then flew out that night and filmed it… pretty impressive.
Sorry about your Dad. It does definitely change the way you interact (and react) when it comes up in fiction… I also would have got more emotional if

Here's what the writer of the episode, whose name I am not going to bother to go back and look up out of sheer spite, had to say in the EW.com postmortem about this:

I agree. When they were in the diner and having a (bittersweet) drink one last time, these former best friends who went to school together, and Hoyt finally said something like, "that's gotta be the worst thing in the world. When something that was so good is destroyed." and Jason kind of mumbled agreement and ducked

I'm thinking not even that at this point, just 55 min of throat-clearing, an occasional, "Um…" then right before the credits someone will brightly say,
Writer A: Hey, it's almost dinner. Chinese food sounds really good right now!
Writer B: You read my mind (claps writer A on the back).
-End of commentary track.

I would have preferred that. She waited till he passed out and killed her dad with a hammer or something, buried him out in the back (not sure how'd she work a shovel when she was so tiny, but HEY! makes as much sense as anything else on the fucking show these days). Plus his body could have been all rotten. That

What the FUCKING FUCK? Bullshit. BULLSHIT!

It's bad, but not THAT bad. I don't actively hate-watch it yet.

I fucking agree. First of all, it's way WAY too late to try to get us emotionally invested. We see Andy cares about them, we care about Andy (or at least I continue to), good enough. Oh, and on the sex toys- Really? How could you not know what a dildo or strap-on is by looking at it? I could almost hear them thinking,

Yeah, I loved that, especially that she was blasting music!

And fixed up Pam (sort of) with those hellish treatments after Marnie/Antonia put the curse/spell on her that made her decompose. And I THINK she had at least one other appearance but I could be wrong.

This is about the pacing and excitement level of this episode: A happened, then B happened, which led to C half-heartedly happening, which led to a flashback—SCREEEEEEEEEEECH! Ok, let's try to pick up the slooow-moving storyline back up. D happened, then oops, let's stick in fifteen seconds of N, so we get