Mr. Putter

Marge is gonna say something.

How is Douglas a misogynist? Sexist, sure, but he doesn't hate women.

Do you remember where you picked up the impression that the poem was near completion? All the marketing and discussion that I saw noted that it was uncompleted and abandoned.
What do you think would have justified the $25 to you, or at what price would you have not regretted your purchase? Ten, perhaps?
What evidence

Did anyone else think of Tolkien's "On Fairy-stories" when hearing Metatron grow excited about sub-creation?

Jeremy: "That's why I sit in the corner, because you can sort of lean against the wall and then if it gets a bit boring you can — you know, it's just better."

Another accent-related misquote, Mark says it's like being trapped inside a giant Aero [chocolate bar], not an 'arrow'.