
I think the primary reason his latest movies still rake in millions despite the general audience and critical reactions almost always being incredibly negative is the nostalgia factor associated with the Adam Sandler name to those who were just the right age to enjoy his first few movies. These people are grown up

"Homer, you know how I feel about hoaxes."

every single episode these days feels like it's trying really hard to either be "hip", or deliver jokes so lame they require ramp access. The point when I realized the Simpsons had lost its spark was the episode where Homer trains pro athletes on how to do victory dances. There's this whole stretch of the episode

They'll never stop the Simpsons! Have no fear, we'll have stories for years!

I see this a lot lately, with criticisms leveled at either period pieces ("Why is everyone so sexist in this?") or media that came out in the early part of the 20th century being retroactively bashed for being racist/sexist. Yes it's not acceptable and we'd all like to move on from that, but if something is

and now, Sports.

If they never release the movie, they should just give The Interview every Oscar next year just to piss off NK more.

I finished the Coven season out of spite. Like, I was already deep into it, it sucked super hard, but I'd be damned if I rage quit in the middle. I just had to see it through. Such a fucking wasted opportunity in the name of camp. Even worse, with such a predominantly female dominated cast, I expected some interesting

I watched the first episode of this current season with some caution, knowing how pants-shittingly terrible and a sad wasted opportunity the 3rd season was. After one solid episode of hot steaming garbage, I realized I was doing the right thing by writing this show off after season 3. Even season 2, as enjoyable as it

I watched this episode to give a new Simpsons episode, and a treehouse of horror at that, a chance. I was bitterly disappointed, it's still the same poorly paced and written garbage they make all the time now. All the references to other, much better treehouse episodes only made me want to watch them instead. 3/10

same here, and I think I got further in the series than you did (5 whole episodes!). I didn't find it that funny - the performances were ok, but they seemed to be given very little to work with. Doesn't a show actually have to be funny for it to be some underrated gem?

Smashed Pumpkin

cause bros be readin'