
You're lucky. in NYC they cut into the episode after Malik was killed to show Drumpf's victory speech and never returned. :( Had to wait until this morning to finish the ep.

So last week's episode ended with "budget Magneto" triumphant and everyone knocked out. This week opens with him spooked and the team fighting back. What happened in the interim? Easy, "Budget" freaked out when Mack came in with #shotgunaxe.

He made 0 reference to his trip to the alternate National City during his test run?! Come on!

for a minute I thought it was me doing the yawp after the "follow their breathing" fight. Maybe it was? I can't tell i watched the season solo.

Adam went full kylo or maybe matt the radar tech?

Christopher Reeve, Superman; Harrison Ford, Henry "Indiana" Jones,


Aw man. According to the Slate podcast Bowie was a fan of the show and gave the ok for all of his songs for use a year ago. He died two days agter they edited the episode and chose Under Pressure. :(

That Kree artifact looked like the orb from Guardians of the Galaxy.

yup that's the one.

yup same bowling alley. I think it was also used in Daredevil. Used to go there all the time as a kid.

Seconded. Shame, Warner had their Simpsons/South Park right there until they added Elmyra. I wonder if they'd be open to a restart if Netflix ratings are high? Totally easy since both VAs are still working and the concept still works today.

You know what would have REALLY helped everyone this week? ShotgunAxe mark 1.5!

That definitely had to be deliberate since she used her powers which meant $$$ for the vfx.

So, I guess the future can be changed? She didn't pick up the knife.

Spider-Man had ONE job!


shotgunned…his face off..

Best Spit on film EVER