
+1 for the ESB shout out.

No mention that rip actually referenced Superman and Batman?!

agreed. #teamcarter #teamjessicajones

I bust a gut when he called Dahark the master race.

red shirts, unless you have a Scottish accent, no one gives a damn about your life.

That scene signed Kanan and Aladdin's death sentences. Best possible scenario is that they appear in Episodes VIII and/or IX or a solo movie.

How about this, one of you gets MJ another gets Gwen and everyone's happy?

fair enough.

So SoA, the Americans, Louie, and Rescue Me are dumb?

He said it in a deep monotone voice…like Mulder! And he appeared every Sunday night…like Mulder!

Let's not forget that many of the Apu centric episodes have done a good job exploring Indian culture and customs in ways that other American shows haven't done.

I think Harry Shearer scared the writers into actually working when he threatened to leave. Good tactic Harry.


I read that in Mark Hamill's voice.

soooo… which of the agents will be pro Iron Man and which ones will be pro Cap?

He needs a rush.

Nice homage by Hamill to Heath Ledger's joker with the knife bit.

ha, nice jab at Age of Ultron by speedy.

quick dub in with the Paris reference. Nice touch.