
Smith, you're a very peculiar man. You and I should do schrooms together.

Every episode of the DCAU is "special." It gave us quality tv that never gets stale.

She is a true class act. Shame they didn't have a Wonder Woman movie in the 90s.

You mean TD Season 1?+

my mouth went rancid with the words pure, uncut S1-2 The Killing. I want those 16 hours of my life back. (stopped after S2 ep 3)

Broad City was totally eligible. It aired the same time as the Americans. As much as I love Abby and Ilana, when it came to watching live, I went with Phil and Liz.

"No… I am your father." one of the best lines to come out of that episode.

That show IS the best broadcast VFX period.

writing, but still supreme BS. If Matthew Rhys and Co crashed the award ceremony and stole an award for each category, I think 80% of this thread would join them in the revolution. Who's with me! (soviet national anthem plays)

It's a crime against intelligence.

and the daddy's boy daddy's daddy.

24 seasons 1-5 were mostly good tv (esp season 4 and 5) 6 is a waste of money, 7 was a james bond season (all fun no intelligence but in a tongue and cheek way, God Bless Jon Voight) 8 was a disaster and live another day was another bond season.

nope, they dream of beeeeep (read in arkady's russian accent)

I agree. He got beaten and brainwashed. That's some heavy drama there.

have they seen the scenes of their family problems?! They don't get away scott free.

nope no consolation, this season was miles ahead of OITNB, House of Cards and yes I'm going to say it GoT. (come at me GRRM fans. http://25.media.tumblr.com/…

Seriously, my anger is through the roof for the Americans getting shafted. "Do mail robots dream of electric sheep?" was one of the best hours of TV this season.

Good, but we all know the directing and acting are just as good.