
Good point.

Military yes, general public, before the Avengers, is questionable. The scene in "The Incredible Hulk" where Blonsky and Ross discuss about the serum made it seem like those facts about Project Rebirth were kept in a small circle.

Right but that was after he made a major public appearance during the Battle of New York. It was my understand that between 1945 and the Avengers that the history books in the MCU didn't really teach kids about the Howling Commandos fight against HYDRA.

Was it me, or did anyone else get the sense following Captain America: The First Avenger, that the general public thought Cap and HYDRA were just fictional characters and that their missions were urban legends? (edit: The general public before the events of The Avengers and The Winter Soldier.)

Agreed. I was felt really shocked about that death.

"Bill, you are, and always shall be, my friend. But I just signed a six-month lease on my apartment. I can't walk away from a commitment like that."

Krusty: "Krusty wants out!" (jumps out of the Monorail)
Nimoy: "No! (catches him and puts him back in Monorail) The world needs laughter."

and then he can go home to the motel manager and have some great hybrids with her.

Long Live Belcheck. "I am not an American citizen. This isn't America."


wait I thought Trip was just wounded? Did I see that wrong?

I wonder if there is a possibility that HBO and Sorkin will change their minds and give this another season. I doubt the finale will be as finite as say The Wire or Boradwalk Empire.

They said he was 19.

It makes me furious that this won an Emmy and the better spy show, The Americans, fails to get a major nomination!

I would make a better redemption story for Grant.

Minor nitpick, but no one bothered to replace the MetLife Building with either a stock shot of the Stark/Avengers Tower in that opening establishing shot? (nerd rant over) A+ episode though!

Batman is a scientist.

Does someone have a gif of Jack's "Shut up!" and point line from the episode?

never joke about that. If there is a season 10 you just gave the writers fodder for their shock death scene.
